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misc/emu/Flamingo68k_SRC.lha |
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Flamingo - Plus/4 emulator for the Amiga
Motorola 680x0 sources readme
Release date: 29.12.2003
After five years of (not so) constant development I decided to give up the
680x0 version of Flamingo Commodore Plus/4 emulator. In the background of
this decision was the fact that AmigaOS moved on to the PowerPC platform, the
new AmigaOS4.0 supports only PowerPC processors, thus the 680x0 compatibility
achieved trough emulation.
The upcoming versions of Flamingo will be prepared for PowerPC and
AmigaOS4.0. I know there are people standing on other Amiga compatible
platforms and I don't want to deny from them the possibility of inventing
this emulator. I have no time and too much intention of doing it myself, take
this as an invitation for the further development.
Requirements for compiling
Before you start the compiling you will need a few components:
1. the VBCC package for at least Motorola 680x0, but if you want to compile
the PowerPC video drivers then you will need the PowerPC version also,
2. the make tool from Aminet called "AmigaE Build", you can find it
here: dev/e/ebuild.lha,
3. the OS3.x system include files for assembly and C development.
You will also need phxass, but it is included in the VBCC 68k package.
Install everything whereever you want, don't forget to check the docs!
Includes must be reachable trough the assign "Include:".
Compiling the sources
After depacking the sources you can simply compile it by starting "build"
command from the main directory.
If you got errors check the paths, assigns and the compiler names in
".build" makefile.
You can build a final version (w/o debug information) by the target
"flamingofinal" and you can rebuild the video drivers by the target "videos".
Legal information (License)
This source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any
later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
details, please go to the web page of Free Software Foundation at
Making any profit from this software is EXPLICITLY FORBIDDEN.
©Copyright by Álmos Rajnai, 2003
If you have any questions, or you are looking for the official pages of
Flamingo, then check out my homepage at
--End Of Document--
Contents of misc/emu/Flamingo68k_SRC.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1282 5370 23.9% -lh5- 9883 Dec 29 2003 Flamingo68k_SRC/.build
[generic] 1360 2712 50.1% -lh5- ab1f Dec 29 2003 Flamingo68k_SRC/docs/flamingo68k_src.readme
[generic] 4319 10465 41.3% -lh5- 1381 Dec 29 2003 Flamingo68k_SRC/docs/history.txt
[generic] 3334 7770 42.9% -lh5- 19ea Jul 23 2000 Flamingo68k_SRC/docs/xvd.txt
[generic] 9745 67748 14.4% -lh5- 59e2 Dec 29 2003 Flamingo68k_SRC/srcchips/7501.asm
[generic] 8601 33255 25.9% -lh5- 0c64 Jun 7 2003 Flamingo68k_SRC/srcchips/8360.asm
[generic] 1762 4857 36.3% -lh5- f7f5 Jul 29 2001 Flamingo68k_SRC/srcchips/buffsound.asm
[generic] 2280 22559 10.1% -lh5- c97f Sep 7 2002 Flamingo68k_SRC/srcchips/ddmultitxt.asm
[generic] 2235 21303 10.5% -lh5- 3432 Sep 7 2002 Flamingo68k_SRC/srcchips/ddnormtxt.asm
[generic] 872 2288 38.1% -lh5- 1a2f Nov 19 2000 Flamingo68k_SRC/srcchips/SID.asm
[generic] 1797 11000 16.3% -lh5- 9f82 Aug 10 2000 Flamingo68k_SRC/srcchips/volume.asm
[generic] 916 1827 50.1% -lh5- b820 Dec 29 2003 Flamingo68k_SRC/srcheaders/predefs.h
[generic] 1156 2193 52.7% -lh5- bb16 Dec 29 2003 Flamingo68k_SRC/srcheaders/predefs.i
[generic] 385 746 51.6% -lh5- 6be1 Sep 1 2001 Flamingo68k_SRC/srcmain/clibs.c
[generic] 7340 24366 30.1% -lh5- 3aac Dec 29 2003 Flamingo68k_SRC/srcmain/flam.asm
[generic] 678 1810 37.5% -lh5- c699 May 25 2003 Flamingo68k_SRC/srcmain/gameport.c
[generic] 5882 24724 23.8% -lh5- 51a6 May 18 2003 Flamingo68k_SRC/srcmain/gui.c
[generic] 96 560 17.1% -lh5- f28c Jan 17 1999 Flamingo68k_SRC/srcmain/numbers.bin
[generic] 590 856 68.9% -lh5- a036 Jan 17 1999 Flamingo68k_SRC/srcmain/numbers.iff
[generic] 522 1634 31.9% -lh5- dd5e Jan 17 1999 Flamingo68k_SRC/srcmain/palette.asm
[generic] 575 6370 9.0% -lh5- 1837 Jan 17 1999 Flamingo68k_SRC/srcmain/palette.iff
[generic] 1917 5835 32.9% -lh5- dbd4 Jul 29 2001 Flamingo68k_SRC/srcmain/play_sample.c
[generic] 923 2339 39.5% -lh5- 89c1 Dec 3 2000 Flamingo68k_SRC/srcmain/timing.c
[generic] 1212 2950 41.1% -lh5- 1589 Feb 5 2000 Flamingo68k_SRC/srcpatch/patch.asm
[generic] 4225 20659 20.5% -lh5- 271f Feb 5 2000 Flamingo68k_SRC/srcpatch/patchroutines.c
[generic] 3383 11917 28.4% -lh5- 2885 Jul 21 2000 Flamingo68k_SRC/srcvideo/aga-delta.asm
[generic] 3198 9285 34.4% -lh5- 537c May 25 2002 Flamingo68k_SRC/srcvideo/CGX-DeltaRefresh.asm
[generic] 3129 9016 34.7% -lh5- 6e0f Jun 16 2001 Flamingo68k_SRC/srcvideo/CGX-Refresh.asm
[generic] 3144 9062 34.7% -lh5- 2136 May 25 2002 Flamingo68k_SRC/srcvideo/CGX-Refresh040.asm
[generic] 2782 7904 35.2% -lh5- 0c9e May 5 2002 Flamingo68k_SRC/srcvideo/CGX.asm
[generic] 2592 8167 31.7% -lh5- 1664 Jun 30 1999 Flamingo68k_SRC/srcvideo/ecs-delta.asm
[generic] 3015 11579 26.0% -lh5- f453 Jul 21 2000 Flamingo68k_SRC/srcvideo/ecs.asm
[generic] 1122 2668 42.1% -lh5- f42f Jul 21 2000 Flamingo68k_SRC/srcvideo/fake.asm
[generic] 2879 9036 31.9% -lh5- 3fa1 Jul 21 2000 Flamingo68k_SRC/srcvideo/mono.asm
[generic] 2648 8087 32.7% -lh5- d3a4 Jul 21 2000 Flamingo68k_SRC/srcvideo/ppcaga-delta.asm
[generic] 2235 8250 27.1% -lh5- 5bce Jul 21 2000 Flamingo68k_SRC/srcvideo/ppcaga-delta_ppc.asm
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 36 files 94131 381167 24.7% Aug 25 09:47
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