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misc/emu/C64_printer.lha |
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Inleiding (Afrikaans)
Iewers tussen al jou rommel in jou buitekamer of iewers op die solder lê
daar 'n Commodore64 met 'n drukker. Wel, sedert jy jou AMiga gekry het,
het jy jou C64 weggeskuif. Later in een kas vir 'n jaar of drie. Later,
baaaaie jare later. vergete. Dis wat in Maart-1989 met my C64 gebeur het
toe ek my eerste Amiga A500 gekry het.
Sit die skop terug in jou Commodore64. Jy kan ten minste nog die drukker
gebruik. Lees hier hoe om dit te doen. Huh??
Loooong ago. Very long ago you had a Commodore64. With a CBM MPS801 or
Seikosha-Sp180VC printer or whatever. Then you got your Amiga. The
printer could not be used. Until now.
In this archive you will find 3 programs, one is to activate the C64
printer then to start use. Also a printer driver.
The last program is to transfer files from/to a c64 disk drive via the Amiga
serial port.
* Amiga or 100% compatible Amiga.
* Probably running Kickstart 1.3 (untested on OS2.04+)
* Special multi-purpose cable. See TheA64Package documetation on Aminet on
where to get one or surf the web on where to buy such a cable.
Test equipment:
* Amiga A500 with GVP Series-II SCSI harddisk
* 0.5megs Chip and 2.5 megs ??fast?? memory == 3megs total memory.
* Last tested in Nov 1993.
Please note!!!!!!!!!!
Without that cable you will NOT be able to use this software. Also, I last
tested it on my A500 back in Nov1993. My cable was *stolen*. So use your
imagination. However it worked fine and i experienced no trouble at all.
Some idiot here in Pretoria still have that cable. but where??
I was unable to get Transfer64 going on OS3.0 on my A1200-030-18Mb. Maybe
you must use a Kickstart emulator running Kick1.3, getting that 1.3 ROM.
Well, that is due to copyright problems your problem.
Greetings/Groetnis tot later :-))
Mike Erasmus, KatseNova on #amiga
Pretoria, Suid-Afrika (South Africa) -- 14-Maart-1998.
All ®Trademarks respected or whatever the mumbo jumbo.
Contents of misc/emu/C64_printer.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 2225 2300 96.7% -lh5- 3958 Jan 15 1990 Amiga/64PrinterON
[generic] 288 478 60.3% -lh5- a8f3 Jan 15 1990 Amiga/64PrinterON.info
[generic] 1075 1932 55.6% -lh5- a4f4 Mar 14 1998 Amiga/C64_printer.readme
[generic] 842 1340 62.8% -lh5- b014 Jan 13 1990 Amiga/Gebruik_c64_drukker/devs/keymaps/gb
[generic] 599 992 60.4% -lh5- 1883 Jan 13 1990 Amiga/Gebruik_c64_drukker/devs/keymaps/usa0
[generic] 5236 5828 89.8% -lh5- aaa8 Dec 25 1980 Amiga/Gebruik_c64_drukker/devs/printers/SP1000VC
[generic] 30122 30692 98.1% -lh5- 5854 Dec 11 1989 Amiga/Transfer
[generic] 567 1938 29.3% -lh5- d224 Dec 11 1989 Amiga/Transfer.info
[generic] 3534 3780 93.5% -lh5- 095b Dec 25 1980 Amiga/Use64Printer
[generic] 184 386 47.7% -lh5- a2d5 Dec 25 1980 Amiga/Use64Printer.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 10 files 44672 49666 89.9% Mar 15 1998
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