The enclosed files are a presentation that I put together a number of years ago
for my Weblos pack on the colors of the color wheel. It was basically designed
for you to talk and advance through the slides by clickin on the mouse.
The presentation starts by causing the primary colors flip into place on the
color wheel. The next several animation sequences show how the various colors
can be created by mixing different amounts of the 3 primary colors. It starts
with the red and yellow primary colors. Advances to the Yellow and Blue primary
colors and finishes up with the Blue and Red primary colors. When the entire
color wheel is complete the final sequence shows the entire color wheel spinning
off in the distance.
After the color wheel spins away the program attempts to load the picture blank
picture. It will load it using whatever program is specified as it's default
tool. This is currently set to DPaint however, you will most likely need to
specify the correct path to your paint program.
This presentation was developed using AmigaVision, and Deluxe Paint III and
will require the AmigaVision Professional player program which is freely
distributable and should be readily available through most bulliten board
I have made minor modifications to simplify release to the general public
including upgrading to AmigaVision Professional, setting all paths to use
a logical and the creation of a IconX script to assign the logical to the
current directory and start the presentation.
To start the presentation ensure that the AVPlayer program is in your default
path then double click on the "Run ColorPresent" icon.
This program and its associated files may be freely distributed provided proper
credit is given in any further distributions. If you find these useful monetary
rewards would be appreciated but are not strictly necessary. A couple of bucks
is more than sufficient and praise or thanks are more than welcome.
Ronn Black
Black Tie Software
4474 Valley Quail Blvd. No.
Westerville, Oh. 43081