84782 packages online
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Welcome to the English edition of AMIGA aktuell!
AMIGA aktuell International needs the help of the readers - you! If you
have an article for us, don't wait, send it to us for publication! It
doesn't matter if it's actual news, exhibition reports, product test,
interviews, etc.
By the way, your texts need not to be exclusively for AMIGA aktuell
International. If you published them we just need your permission to
put it into AMIGA aktuell International, if you didn't give up your
rights at the articles.
Of course, we are also interested in critics, suggestions, so we want
your opinion to AMIGA aktuell International.
Summons to all programmers and innovative AMIGA firms:
Are you interested in to advertise in one of the best-known German
(now we try to become the best-known English) AMIGA online
magazine for your products? Then donate one or more prizes for the
AMIGA aktuell International competition. Every product will be
introduced with the desired text. As a dealer you have the possibility
to get more customers to know your firm.
The AMIGA aktuell International newsroom is also interested in test
issues of AMIGA products of all kind.
AMIGA aktuell International can be contacted by mail
Carsten Schroeder
Helmoltstrasse 10
37081 Goettingen
or eMail
WWW: http://www.aakt.de
Summary of this edition:
Preface 2
o Newsroom & help
o Summons
o Distribution
o Legal information
o Value of the Euro
AMIGA aktuell international competition
o Results of the last competition
o Introduction of the new prizes
o Summons to innovative programmers and AMIGA firms
o The new prize questions
o Online competition
o FD-charts edition 07/00
o FD-charts online participation
AMIGA dealers list
AMIGA aktuell International forum
o Reaction upon the request of Klaus Schmitt regarding IBM hard disks
o Negative Experiences with IBM Harddisks (by Stellan Pistoor)
o Discovered a Bug in serial.device of AmigaOS 3.5 (by Ralf Eberlein)
o Printer Problems with a PC-Board Layout Program
o Looking for Fonts with Euro symbol
o Looking for an Assembly Guide for A500 SCSI Interface
Workshops / background reports / book introductions
o Workshop: TCP/IP between Amiga and Windows9x-PC (by Uwe Pannecke)
o The fall of commodore from my point of view - part 9 (by Rainer Benda)
Test reports
o Little helpers for the daily Amiga life (by Christian Aichinger)
o Correction of a mistake in the test of ATC in AMIGA aktuell 06/00 (by Ch. Aichinger)
o Software test: Start bar »Workbench 2000« (by Malte Mende)
Show reports
o The Big Little Fair - a report from Neuss (by Martin Baute)
o The press conference at the World of Alternatives (by Martin Baute)
o Elbox presents PCI interface for A1200 (by Steffen Haeuser)
AMIGA aktuell international games section
o Expressions of thanks
o Summons
o Foreword
o Game news from around the world
o Previews
o PD-test on the Aminet
o New PD-games in Aminet
o Mac corner
o Release list
o Bookmarks
o Emulator-News
o Final Words
News about the AmigaNG
o "New York Times": New Amiga to come late this year for 700 US-Dollars
o Amiga SDK ohne Linux-Distribution / Download aus dem Internet möglich
o Espial makes Java developer portal for Internet devices available
o Taos intent (TM) Java Technology Edition (TM) Now a Sun Authorized Virtual Machine
o AMIGA makes Eyetech manufacturer of developer workstations
o AMIGA Inc. and Software Hut Inc. Form Strategic Distribution Agreement
o AMIGA And Compuquick Form Strategic Distribution Agreement
o News in Brief
o AmigaNG Program Survey (by Thorsten Schoelzel)
Amiga PowerPC & AmigaNG competitors
o AmiJoe is likely to come in 2001 / A2/3/4000 versions cancelled
o Escena releases status report about project 'Brainstormer'
o News in Brief
o New listed PowerPC software (by Stefan Funke)
o Amiga PowerPC list
The Heckler
various news
o Once upon the time... - VIScorp gone broke
o Aminet-CD 37 released
o News from Airsoft Softwair
o News from APC&TCP
o News from Haage & Partner
o News from Innovative
o News from the Amiga Arena
o News In Brief
At the end
The graphic files (docs/mags/AaktInt0700GFX.lha) should be within the
directory "AMIGAaktuell/International/edition0700/img".
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Total 162 files 299177 714509 41.9% Jul 21 2000
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