Alloc -- what the blazes is it?
Alloc is a program written by Mitchell M. Evans for one reason only...
to allow ZKICK to work with ADRAM, and :
o Not lose 1MB to "thin air" via the -c0 option of ZKICK
o Correct the problem with the ADRAM program/ZKICK combo:
ZKICK allocates the memory and reboots. ADRAM frees it after
reboot. Hence, the Kickstart written there gets trashed when
the memory gets reallocated by the system.
If you are not using ZKICK and an ADRAM board, stop reading here.
This is not the program you want to be using. Otherwise, read on!
Your main concern is the amount of memory installed on your ADRAM.
If it is less than one meg -- go buy more memory! You can't run
zkick! You will need to determine the address you wish the kickstart
to be loaded into. C00000 IS NOT IT. Using the -c0 option of ZKICK
will cause you to lose the ~1MB between C7FFFF and DBFFFF! That's
why I spent all this time doing this, you see. Now, if you are
using 1MB, loading kickstart at C80000 is safe. Use C80000 as the
start value in the ZKICK call, and as the starting address in your
call to alloc. If you have 4MB on the ADRAM board, and want to
get fancy, use 900000 as the address. Why? Well, I think that the
autoconfig portion (starting at C00000) is the extra 512K of chip
RAM for those of you lucky enough to have a fatter Agnes (I don't,
so I can't test it). I am not EXACTLY sure about this, so I put
mine at 900000 just in case (in case a fatter Agnes falls from
Heaven and installs itself into my Amiga). Finally, kickstart is
512K long. The second parameter to ALLOC should be 512.
-- in s:startup-sequence file --
c:failat 21
c:setcpu >nil:
c:if WARN ;if we're running 1.2 or 1.3 and want to run 2.0
c:zkick -v175 -start c80000 devs:kick.175.20 ;load 2.0 KS and reboot
c:alloc c80000 512 ;realloc mem to protect new kickstart
-- end of example --
This example is for folks who are running with 1-3MB. If you are
running with 4MB may use the file provided in this distribution.
It is called startup-alloc. Just copy it to your s:startup-sequence
file or transfer the lines marked with an asterisk (*) at the end
into your custom startup-sequence.
Whew! I had my first version of the program running within 5 minutes
after idea conception. Of course, it accepted no parameters and was
not quite as nice (no documentation, for example). Documenting it
and explaining it with examples has taken the rest of the evening.
Thank God for beer! Hehehehe. If this has enabled you, the user,
to run 2.0 on your Amiga with an ADRAM, cool! If you wish to
reimburse me for the beer tonight, in the hopes that I will plug
away some other night and save your skin, send $5 or a six-pack
Mitchell M. Evans
12373 Calle Albara #5
El Cajon, CA 92019
Otherwise, just enjoy the code! This is not copyrighted, shareware,
etc, etc, etc. Thought I would help some folks out as long as I
had figured out what was going wrong with my system. 2.0 is a kick
in the butt! Whoo-hah! If you have any questions about this
program/setup, or just Amiga stuff in general, please feel free to
contact me at the above address, or the following Internet/Usenet
Usenet: crash!brewing!doc
Don't be a stranger, now, ya hear!