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Welcome to version 2.5 of VideoTXT
Sorry, folks,
but VideoTXT is until now an german-only release. There is no
english program and no english documentation available.
So here in short, what VideoTXT is about:
VideoTXT is a combination of software and hardware that is able to
decode and load the videotext/teletext-pages broadcast with many
european television-programs. VideoTXT supports special characters
for all countries!
You be able to load and save, print and manipulate the pages. Get
your NYSE, DAX and FT100 or the temperatures for your holliday
Of course all this features are programable and will work during your
VideoTXT features TOP-text, runs on custom-screens or Workbench -
even on WB-emulations used by several graphics boards such as Piccolo,
Picasso etc.
Videotext/teletext features a highly precission clock, load this time
directly into your amiga.
So what do you need to use VideoTXT?
Any Amiga with 512KB or more memory, OS 1.3 or better, a free
internal serial or joystick-port, a FBAS/CVBS-signal from your TV/VCR
or other sources and of course a television program that transmits
Some features of VideoTXT are only available unter OS2.x and with
equal or more than 1MB memory! We tested it with a plain A1000 and
with a 12MB A4000/040!)
So if you're interested drop us a note, fax us or send EMail to
Hard- & Software Udo Lenzen
Klinkhammer 4
41751 Viersen-Boisheim
Tel: +49-2153-5831
Fax: +49-2153-13383
EMail: KLAATU@newswire.de
Please note, that the Copyright of the supplied videotext/teletext
demo-pages is still with the broadcasting stations or their agents!
If there is any opjection against using this "old" pages just for
demostration purpose, please let us know and acceppt our apologies.
Contents of driver/other/vtxt_25.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 603 1233 48.9% -lh5- 4d50 Oct 22 1995 VTXT_2.5.info
[generic] 2407 5291 45.5% -lh5- d1f0 Oct 22 1995 vtxt_2.5/aenderungen_v2.2
[generic] 556 1450 38.3% -lh5- 1db7 Oct 22 1995 VTXT_2.5/AENDERUNGEN_V2.2.info
[generic] 1755 3387 51.8% -lh5- 6677 Oct 22 1995 vtxt_2.5/aenderungen_v2.3
[generic] 554 1450 38.2% -lh5- 312b Oct 22 1995 VTXT_2.5/AENDERUNGEN_V2.3.info
[generic] 2908 6368 45.7% -lh5- 0823 Oct 22 1995 vtxt_2.5/aenderungen_v2.4
[generic] 553 1450 38.1% -lh5- 3709 Oct 22 1995 VTXT_2.5/AENDERUNGEN_V2.4.info
[generic] 2585 5433 47.6% -lh5- 5b38 Feb 11 1996 vtxt_2.5/aenderungen_v2.5
[generic] 553 1450 38.1% -lh5- 3709 Jan 10 1996 VTXT_2.5/AENDERUNGEN_V2.5.info
[generic] 60009 115144 52.1% -lh5- b538 Oct 22 1995 VTXT_2.5/c/Installer
[generic] 5690 10076 56.5% -lh5- b517 Jan 10 1996 VTXT_2.5/Decoder_Test
[generic] 482 1701 28.3% -lh5- 9cb9 Oct 22 1995 VTXT_2.5/Decoder_Test.info
[generic] 324 664 48.8% -lh5- f846 Oct 22 1995 VTXT_2.5/Disk.info
[generic] 54 784 6.9% -lh5- e969 Oct 22 1995 VTXT_2.5/Fonts/VideoTXT.font
[generic] 1454 5388 27.0% -lh5- 75de Oct 22 1995 VTXT_2.5/Fonts/VideoTXT/10
[generic] 1870 8708 21.5% -lh5- 9318 Oct 22 1995 VTXT_2.5/Fonts/VideoTXT/20
[generic] 1954 15428 12.7% -lh5- 7548 Oct 22 1995 VTXT_2.5/Fonts/VideoTXT/40
[generic] 54 784 6.9% -lh5- 591c Oct 22 1995 VTXT_2.5/Fonts/VideoTXTint.font
[generic] 1262 3444 36.6% -lh5- d38e Oct 22 1995 VTXT_2.5/Fonts/VideoTXTint/10
[generic] 1659 5564 29.8% -lh5- 5bac Oct 22 1995 VTXT_2.5/Fonts/VideoTXTint/20
[generic] 1700 9804 17.3% -lh5- 680f Oct 22 1995 VTXT_2.5/Fonts/VideoTXTint/40
[generic] 35 264 13.3% -lh5- 71f2 Oct 22 1995 VTXT_2.5/Fonts/VideoTXTtop.font
[generic] 1662 3140 52.9% -lh5- aa72 Oct 22 1995 VTXT_2.5/Fonts/VideoTXTtop/8
[generic] 1753 6124 28.6% -lh5- 1b57 Jan 10 1996 VTXT_2.5/Install_VideoTXT_«SER»
[generic] 539 1295 41.6% -lh5- 8dc7 Oct 22 1995 VTXT_2.5/Install_VideoTXT_«SER».info
[generic] 25910 39000 66.4% -lh5- d82a Oct 22 1995 VTXT_2.5/LIBS_1.3/reqtools.library
[generic] 28530 43628 65.4% -lh5- 5698 Oct 22 1995 VTXT_2.5/LIBS_2.0/reqtools.library
[generic] 285 632 45.1% -lh5- f544 Oct 22 1995 VTXT_2.5/MWB.info
[generic] 1270 4596 27.6% -lh5- 2610 Feb 11 1996 VTXT_2.5/MWB/VideoTXT.info
[generic] 786 2913 27.0% -lh5- 8bcb Oct 22 1995 VTXT_2.5/MWB/VideoTXT_2.5.info
[generic] 696 3981 17.5% -lh5- f16e Oct 22 1995 VTXT_2.5/MWB/VTXT.info
[generic] 1138 4237 26.9% -lh5- f6ac Oct 22 1995 VTXT_2.5/MWB/VTXT_Prefs.info
[generic] 1051 2040 51.5% -lh5- 4698 Feb 11 1996 VTXT_2.5/Read.Me
[generic] 562 1451 38.7% -lh5- 4c59 Oct 22 1995 VTXT_2.5/Read.Me.info
[generic] 39792 93372 42.6% -lh5- 8347 Feb 11 1996 VTXT_2.5/VideoTXT
[generic] 40345 106202 38.0% -lh5- 7f42 Feb 11 1996 VTXT_2.5/VideoTXT.guide
[generic] 575 1458 39.4% -lh5- be9e Oct 22 1995 VTXT_2.5/VideoTXT.guide.info
[generic] 861 5716 15.1% -lh5- 2733 Feb 11 1996 VTXT_2.5/VideoTXT.info
[generic] 9003 16276 55.3% -lh5- 4a1a Jan 10 1996 vtxt_2.5/vtxt
[generic] 15685 15685 100.0% -lh0- c177 Oct 22 1995 VTXT_2.5/VTXT-Seiten.lha
[generic] 315 1341 23.5% -lh5- 15e4 Oct 22 1995 VTXT_2.5/VTXT.info
[generic] 10089 21336 47.3% -lh5- b82d Jan 10 1996 VTXT_2.5/VTXT_Prefs
[generic] 421 1621 26.0% -lh5- 7f2b Oct 22 1995 VTXT_2.5/VTXT_Prefs.info
[generic] 218 342 63.7% -lh5- 9494 Feb 11 1996 VTXT_2.5/vtxt_sender
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 44 files 270507 581651 46.5% Feb 12 1996
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