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Short:DSP 3210 drivers and tools
Author:Thomas Winischhofer
Uploader:thomas winischhofer net (Thomas Winischhofer)
Download:driver/other/dsp3210.lha - View contents

DSP 3210 drivers & tools

This package contains drivers and several tools to use and operate the
DSP 3210 on AA3000/AA3000+ motherboards and possibly DSP Zorro cards.

### If you have access to an ATL HDI 1000 ultrasound machine, please
contact me if you are willing to do some testing. ##################

Samples and Demos ************************************************


A tool for comprehensively testing the DSP drivers (dsp3210.device
and dsp3210.resource) and the hardware as regards CPU vs DSP memory
access. The latter is especially important on the (A)A3000(+):

It executes DSP programs that hammer host memory in all directions
and of all kinds (ChipRAM and FastRAM). If this shows errors, there
is a hardware problem at hand, most likely GAL/ATF timing issues.
To make sure, the timing of your GALs/ATFs is correct, let this run
for at least 5000 passes. It should exit with zero errors.

This tool has two important limitations:

1) The FastRAM tests are performed with FastRAM of the highest
priority. If you have an accelerator board with local RAM, it will
usually use that - timing errors with motherboard or Zorro RAM might
therefore not be detected.

2) What this tool is incapable to uncover are potential issues with
the onboard SCSI controller in connection with the DSP.

Please see docs/STATUS.doc for more information.


A Mandelbrot application using the DSP via dsp3210.device and
dsp3210.library. This is an adaption of Wrangler's "mandel_dsp", with
all hardware hacks removed and replaced by driver functions, and an
updated DSP code which is much faster than the original. The program
comes in three versions that differ in how the DSP tells the CPU it's
finished. Meant as demos for the different methods the drivers support
and offer.
Based on dsp3210run (used as DSP-handling skeleton), Mandel by Erik
Trulsson, ARTABROT by George T Warner.


Runs a given DSP program. Is a sample and skeleton for new applications
at the same time. It fully utilizes the drivers in this package. A
suitable demo DSP program is DSP/testprogram.

examples/dsp3210libtest and examples/dsp3210clibtest:

Show usage of dsp3210.library, by loading and relocating the DSP
programs in examples/DSP.


This utility creates an object file out of any binary, and the main
purpose here is to create object files out of DSP binaries, ready
to link to your own application with blink, slink or and other
Amiga standard linker.

dsp3210.library **************************************************

This library helps applications to use the DSP by handling binaries
created by the d32 tools (eg d32as and d32cc).

It currently supports
- calculating the required memory for the relocated binary
- relocating a DSP binary to a target memory address
- loading and relocating a DSP binary in one single step (DSPLoadMod())
- resolving local and global symbols accross several DSP binaries
- additional application-provided global symbols
- searching for global symbols
- converting a binary with little-endian file structures to big-endian

Please see the code samples for more information, first and foremost

Source and developer files included.

DSP 3210 Resource & Device ***************************************

Low level drivers for the DSP.

1) dsp3210.resource

The dsp3210.resource is the base layer.

dsp3210.resource is an executable which is run from CLI at startup, for
example from user-startup. It creates the dsp3210.resource.

2) dsp3210.device

This is placed in devs: and is a middle layer between the dsp3210.resource
and the user application.

Please see the included documentation and examples for more information
on how to use this.

All files in this archive are written in 1987 or 2020/2021 by Thomas
Winischhofer, except as noted.

Newer versions of this package might be found at

4.15: (=211212 on github)
- dsp3210.resource (40.34)/dsp3210.device (40.34)
  - internal change for third party drivers
- dsp3210.library (7.1)
  - minor bug fix

4.14: (=211111 on github)
- dsp3210devtest:
  - "QUIET" command line switch. Mutes the program
    except for errors.
  - Read tests slightly changed

4.13: (=210904 on github)
- dsp3210.resource (40.33)/dsp3210.device (40.33)
  - minor bug fix
  - code optimizations
- docs clean-up

4.12: (=210829 on github)
- dsp3210.resource (40.32)/dsp3210.device (40.32)
  - Add payload facility (send a value from DSP to CPU
    through interrupt)
- dsp3210.library (7.0)
  - Get rid of global symbol table array, introduce
    proper data structure.
- Add (untested) driver for Atlas ATL DSP3210 Zorro
  cards that came with the ATL HDI-1000 ultrasound
- etc.

4.11: (=210823 on github)
- dsp3210.resource (40.31)/dsp3210.device (40.31)
  - Made fit for hooking in third party DSP3210 drivers
    (including example)
  - minor bug-fixes and code optimizations
- dsp3210.library (6.0)
  - Add FreeAllSymbolTables() function
- etc.

4.10: (=210814 on github)
- Fix last-minute typo in install script
- dsp3210.resource (40.30)/dsp3210.device (40.30)
  - reduce memory footprint
- dsp3210devtest: Add test for int6

4.09: (=210809 on github)
- dsp3210.resource (40.29)/dsp3210.device (40.29)
  - Added cut-down ROMable modules (located in ROM/ directory; only
    tested with LoadModule, not tested as real ROM modules.)
- Added installer script
- etc.

4.08: (=210805 on github)
- dsp3210.resource (40.28)/dsp3210.device (40.28)
  Some API changes to support DSP local ram at addresses >=$80000000
  Add PostROMInit hook
  Minor fixes and code optimizations
- dsp3210.library (5.0)
  Some API changes to support DSP local ram at addresses >=$80000000
- etc.

4.07: (=210731 on github)
- dsp3210.resource (40.27)/dsp3210.device (40.27)
  Fix DSPDAllocMem (last-minute typo with deadly impact)
- etc.

4.06: (=210728 on github)
- dsp3210.device (40.26), dsp3210.resource (40.26)
  Added support for the mmu.library, drivers work now with MuMove4k
  and MuFastZero
  Fixed leak in DSPDFreeMem
- dsp3210mandel
  Fix bug: DSP was unfairly advantaged (MaxIter not changed on Zoom)
  Optimized DSP code to again beat the 060 FPU after named bug was fixed
  Brushed and polished the application, it's a looker now
- etc.

4.05: (=210722 on github)
- dsp3210.device (40.25), dsp3210.resource (40.25)
  Fixed bug in device (message handling)
  Added SETSTARTADDR command
  etc. (see ChangeLog)

4.04: (=210715 on github)
- dsp3210.device is now a hybrid of device and library
- Added longwordcopy convenience DSP function, used in the same way as
  the triggerintx functions.
- Device and resource are now multi-DSP capable (in theory)
- dsp3210.library (4.0):
  Changed arguments to LoadMod()/LoadModChip()/UnloadMod() in order
  to support address translation and driver-private memory management

- skipped

4.02:  (=210705 on github)
- minor changes, no new functions
- documentation cleanup and update

4.01:  (=210702 on github)
- dsp3210.resource, dsp3210.library:
  Added CompatMode, in light of the recently discovered issues
  with the onboard SCSI controller in connection with
  accelerator boards with local RAM. The library and resource
  use exclusively ChipRAM for DSP code if in Compat-Mode.
  This mode is enabled by setting the global environment variable
  DSPCOMPAT (ie "setenv DSPCOMPAT 1").
- Added docs/STATUS.doc with detailed information on hardware
  and software status.

4.00: (=210627 on github)
- API cleanup (again) (hence the version jump)
- Added DSP ID
- Minor other changes
- Reminder: Needs updated U124.

3.00: (=210620 on github)
- Added PLD and JEDs for GALs needed on AA3000+
- Added dsp3210mandel (in various flavors)
- Fixed triggering of CPU interrupts in drivers and all sample programs
- New commands for dsp3210.device
- New data structures for dsp3210.device
- SwapEndian function for dsp3210.library
- Added README to examples
- Added lots of documentation

2.00: (=210609 on github)
- massive changes and additions, see ChangeLog
- add dsp3210run, a fully featured sample program to run DSP programs

1.03: (=210304 on github)
- numerous changes, additions and fixes for dsp3210.library

1.02: (=210213 on github)
- dsp3210.resource: disable interrupts while writing to $dd0080 if
  started with r4 or r10 parameters.

1.01: (=210210 on github)
- dsp3210.resource: By default, write byte to DSP control register only once
- Added read tests to dsp3210devtest
- Moved dsp3210.resource to devs:
  (Please delete c:dsp3210.resource after installing)

- Initial release

Contents of driver/other/dsp3210.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[unknown]                  280     628  44.6% -lh5- e9e4 Aug  8 12:02
[unknown]                 7750   18595  41.7% -lh5- ad11 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/Changelog.txt
[unknown]                  209     464  45.0% -lh5- 0494 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/
[unknown]                 2275    3828  59.4% -lh5- b707 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/devs/dsp3210.device
[unknown]                 2467    4040  61.1% -lh5- 496f Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/devs/dsp3210.resource
[unknown]                  280     628  44.6% -lh5- d8bb Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/
[unknown]                11620   55914  20.8% -lh5- 82ca Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/Doc/dsp3210_device.doc
[unknown]                  206     464  44.4% -lh5- 2ebc Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/Doc/
[unknown]                 6182   20648  29.9% -lh5- 6b2f Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/Doc/dsp3210_library.doc
[unknown]                  205     464  44.2% -lh5- 597e Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/Doc/
[unknown]                 1442    4331  33.3% -lh5- 5199 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/Doc/dsp3210_resource.doc
[unknown]                  207     464  44.6% -lh5- 442b Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/Doc/
[unknown]                 3012    7632  39.5% -lh5- 2aff Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/Doc/interrupts.doc
[unknown]                  208     464  44.8% -lh5- 96a8 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/Doc/
[unknown]                  646    1184  54.6% -lh5- 4860 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/Doc/makeobjectfile.doc
[unknown]                  205     464  44.2% -lh5- e16a Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/Doc/
[unknown]                 2587    6539  39.6% -lh5- 72f2 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/Doc/Overview.doc
[unknown]                  208     464  44.8% -lh5- e67c Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/Doc/
[unknown]                 3338    7929  42.1% -lh5- 5d63 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/Doc/STATUS.doc
[unknown]                  206     464  44.4% -lh5- 91be Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/Doc/
[unknown]                13733   26324  52.2% -lh5- 05df Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/dsp3210devtest
[unknown]                 5836    9112  64.0% -lh5- 8d62 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/dsp3210query
[unknown]                  343     872  39.3% -lh5- 2d7d Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/Examples/DSP/build
[unknown]                  302     607  49.8% -lh5- c6c0 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/Examples/DSP/example1
[unknown]                  418     756  55.3% -lh5- 616e Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/Examples/DSP/example1.s
[unknown]                  267     507  52.7% -lh5- 302a Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/Examples/DSP/example2
[unknown]                  344     577  59.6% -lh5- 193a Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/Examples/DSP/example2.s
[unknown]                  504    1031  48.9% -lh5- 6137 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/Examples/DSP/example3
[unknown]                  583    1508  38.7% -lh5- a107 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/Examples/DSP/example3.s
[unknown]                  354     674  52.5% -lh5- 091a Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/Examples/DSP/longwordcopy.s
[unknown]                 1070    3968  27.0% -lh5- 7fb5 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/Examples/DSP/mandel
[unknown]                 1036    3857  26.9% -lh5- 75dd Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/Examples/DSP/mandel-noint
[unknown]                 3598   12597  28.6% -lh5- 090c Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/Examples/DSP/mandel-noint.s
[unknown]                 3608   12681  28.5% -lh5- 3b64 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/Examples/DSP/mandel.s
[unknown]                  330     645  51.2% -lh5- 1650 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/Examples/DSP/testprogram
[unknown]                  781    2641  29.6% -lh5- 9ef9 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/Examples/DSP/testprogram.s
[unknown]                  815    2592  31.4% -lh5- 722b Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/Examples/DSP/triggerhostint.s
[unknown]                 6189    9816  63.1% -lh5- 2ad7 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/Examples/dsp3210clibtest
[unknown]                 1094    2236  48.9% -lh5- 189e Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/Examples/dsp3210libtest
[unknown]                12569   21720  57.9% -lh5- c745 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/Examples/dsp3210mandel-flag
[unknown]                 1361    2017  67.5% -lh5- b3ab Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/Examples/
[unknown]                12446   21360  58.3% -lh5- 8e99 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/Examples/dsp3210mandel-si
[unknown]                 1365    2017  67.7% -lh5- b882 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/Examples/
[unknown]                12571   21720  57.9% -lh5- 642b Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/Examples/dsp3210mandel-signal
[unknown]                 1362    2017  67.5% -lh5- 2d12 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/Examples/
[unknown]                 7547   12384  60.9% -lh5- 33d3 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/Examples/dsp3210run
[unknown]                  822    1768  46.5% -lh5- 1934 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/Examples/dsp3210swapendian
[unknown]                 1410    3286  42.9% -lh5- 49c3 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/Examples/README
[unknown]                  208     464  44.8% -lh5- f0b3 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/Examples/
[unknown]                 3228    9561  33.8% -lh5- 5a2f Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/Examples/src/dsp3210clibtest.c
[unknown]                 3666   11533  31.8% -lh5- 1df0 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/Examples/src/dsp3210libtest.a
[unknown]                10465   30119  34.7% -lh5- df81 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/Examples/src/dsp3210mandel-si.c
[unknown]                10662   30986  34.4% -lh5- c68d Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/Examples/src/dsp3210mandel.c
[unknown]                 6829   19420  35.2% -lh5- 0298 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/Examples/src/dsp3210run.c
[unknown]                 2036    6610  30.8% -lh5- 8d00 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/Examples/src/dsp3210swapendian.a
[unknown]                  232     594  39.1% -lh5- 4877 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/fd/dsp3210_dev.fd
[unknown]                  221     484  45.7% -lh5- 1a8a Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/fd/dsp3210_lib.fd
[unknown]                  112     175  64.0% -lh5- fac4 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/fd/dsp3210_res.fd
[unknown]                 1834    4632  39.6% -lh5- ee88 Feb  8  2021 DSP3210/Hardware/PLD/U122_ATF22V10.pld
[unknown]                 1830    4531  40.4% -lh5- 74a0 Jun 26  2021 DSP3210/Hardware/PLD/U123_ATF22V10.pld
[unknown]                 1311    4129  31.8% -lh5- fc84 Jun 19  2021 DSP3210/Hardware/PLD/U124_ATF22V10.pld
[unknown]                 1231    3000  41.0% -lh5- d2dd Nov 30  2020 DSP3210/Hardware/PLD/U701_ATF16V8-R8.pld
[unknown]                 1256    3050  41.2% -lh5- 9852 Feb 23  2021 DSP3210/Hardware/PLD/U701_ATF16V8-R9.pld
[unknown]                 1391    2617  53.2% -lh5- 15c0 Nov 15 09:01 DSP3210/Hardware/README.txt
[unknown]                  206     464  44.4% -lh5- 2ebc Aug  8 12:40 DSP3210/Hardware/
[unknown]                37908   42144  89.9% -lh5- f859 Aug 15 11:08 DSP3210/Hardware/RW-R_W.iff
[unknown]                  265     447  59.3% -lh5- 0cc3 Aug 15 11:09 DSP3210/Hardware/
[unknown]                94741   94741 100.0% -lh0- 8ffc Aug 15 11:07 DSP3210/Hardware/RW-R_W.jpg
[unknown]                  694    3026  22.9% -lh5- 095c Feb  8  2021 DSP3210/Hardware/U122_ATF22V10.jed
[unknown]                  542    2311  23.5% -lh5- 3471 Feb  8  2021 DSP3210/Hardware/U123_ATF22V10.jed
[unknown]                  687    2816  24.4% -lh5- b222 Jun 19  2021 DSP3210/Hardware/U124_ATF22V10.jed
[unknown]                  393    1289  30.5% -lh5- 0986 Nov 30  2020 DSP3210/Hardware/U701_ATF16V8-R8.jed
[unknown]                  394    1289  30.6% -lh5- 0ce3 Feb 23  2021 DSP3210/Hardware/U701_ATF16V8-R9.jed
[unknown]                  435    1256  34.6% -lh5- 6666 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/include/clib/dsp3210_dev_protos.h
[unknown]                  432    1094  39.5% -lh5- 613f Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/include/clib/dsp3210_protos.h
[unknown]                  286     599  47.7% -lh5- 1cca Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/include/clib/dsp3210_res_protos.h
[unknown]                 1685    4749  35.5% -lh5- dfea Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/include/devices/dsp3210.h
[unknown]                 1884    5744  32.8% -lh5- ba64 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/include/devices/dsp3210.i
[unknown]                  774    1645  47.1% -lh5- 41b0 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/include/libraries/dsp3210.h
[unknown]                  957    2524  37.9% -lh5- c394 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/include/libraries/dsp3210.i
[unknown]                  177     664  26.7% -lh5- dbbb Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/include/pragmas/dsp3210_dev_pragmas.h
[unknown]                  173     555  31.2% -lh5- 773b Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/include/pragmas/dsp3210_pragmas.h
[unknown]                   97     226  42.9% -lh5- 7e30 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/include/pragmas/dsp3210_res_pragmas.h
[unknown]                  144     214  67.3% -lh5- 1f43 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/include/proto/dsp3210.h
[unknown]                  153     237  64.6% -lh5- 8cc7 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/include/proto/dsp3210_dev.h
[unknown]                  155     241  64.3% -lh5- 99a4 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/include/proto/dsp3210_res.h
[unknown]                 2744    9422  29.1% -lh5- e88c Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/include/resources/dsp3210.h
[unknown]                 2740    8614  31.8% -lh5- 75fd Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/include/resources/dsp3210.i
[unknown]                 2436    9851  24.7% -lh5- 3e82 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/Install-DSP3210
[unknown]                  308     548  56.2% -lh5- 13e6 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/
[unknown]                 2883    4648  62.0% -lh5- 6928 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/libs/dsp3210.library
[unknown]                  354    1304  27.1% -lh5- 2fc1 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/linker_libs/dsp3210.lib
[unknown]                  364    1528  23.8% -lh5- 1a99 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/linker_libs/dsp3210dev.lib
[unknown]                  190     516  36.8% -lh5- bf32 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/linker_libs/dsp3210res.lib
[unknown]                  753    1980  38.0% -lh5- a9ca Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/makeobjectfile
[unknown]                13683   56281  24.3% -lh5- 9cfd Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/OEM/atldsp3210.a
[unknown]                 5387   16988  31.7% -lh5- 5269 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/OEM/include/resources/dsp3210-oem.h
[unknown]                 5444   17252  31.6% -lh5- 1a07 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/OEM/include/resources/dsp3210-oem.i
[unknown]                 9975   37324  26.7% -lh5- c7fa Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/OEM/zorro3210dsp.a
[unknown]                 3653    8976  40.7% -lh5- a462 Dec 12 12:20 dsp3210/readme
[unknown]                  208     464  44.8% -lh5- cfcf Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/
[unknown]                 1954    3288  59.4% -lh5- d03d Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/ROM/dsp3210.device
[unknown]                 2064    3300  62.5% -lh5- 5112 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/ROM/dsp3210.resource
[unknown]                  315     547  57.6% -lh5- 924b Dec 12 12:20 dsp3210/rom/readme
[unknown]                  655    2751  23.8% -lh5- 2d14 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/src/dsp3210.lib.a
[unknown]                13393   52758  25.4% -lh5- 6216 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/src/dsp3210.library.a
[unknown]                  658    3168  20.8% -lh5- 9eb2 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/src/dsp3210dev.lib.a
[unknown]                10718   49428  21.7% -lh5- 9c74 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/src/dsp3210devtest.c
[unknown]                  809    2056  39.3% -lh5- 0404 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/src/dsp3210query.c
[unknown]                  365    1101  33.2% -lh5- 5023 Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/src/dsp3210res.lib.a
[unknown]                 1990    7193  27.7% -lh5- 479c Dec 12 12:20 DSP3210/src/makeobjectfile.a
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
 Total       111 files  409928  918364  44.6%            Dec 13 05:49
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