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Listing of archive 'Cybermon-82KHz.lha':
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
810 566 30.1% 16-Nov-95 19:48:44 Monitor-82KHz
1645 930 43.4% 16-Nov-95 19:57:04 README.Cybermon-82KHz
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
2455 1496 39.0% 16-Nov-95 19:57:24 2 files
This is a monitorfile which uses 82 KHz monitors fully and I have gone great
lengths to make various modes run on *my* monitor, which does not mean they will
run on your monitor without tweaking. I have a CyberVision64, where all this
stuff runs. I'd like to hear from other folks if this file also works with other
graphics cards which allow you to set the various things (this means, it won't
run on a Domino and maybe on a A2410).
Copy this monitor file to envarc:cybergraphics/xxx where xxx is the name of your
graphics board.
I have used this monitor file for one month and so far, my monitor still works.
There's no warranty of any sort that this stuff won't smoke your monitor or blow
up your graphics board.
Id be grateful if anybody has a solution to make the 1600x1200 mode run, but
I suspect CVMode isn't perfect. And who has a 21" monitor you need for that
resolution? :)
You can also reach me at 2:301/723.4 on fido or 39:110/312 on amiganet in case
of trouble.
And one more thing: This stuff is mail- or postcardware, so if you like it, and
your eyes tend to be less strained, then send a postcard to the following snail
Rene Laederach
Kappelisackerstrasse 46
3063 Ittigen
At least an email is required, else I will destroy your monitor by telecommand.
LhA V1.35r - Copyright (c) 1991,92 Stefan Boberg. Not for commercial use.
Registered to Steffen Salzmann
Contents of driver/moni/Cybermon-82KHz.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 566 810 69.9% -lh5- 10b2 Nov 16 1995 Monitor-82KHz
[generic] 1065 1957 54.4% -lh5- abd0 Nov 16 1995 README.Cybermon-82KHz
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 2 files 1631 2767 58.9% Nov 20 1995
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