This monitorfile supports the following modes on a MicroVitec 1438 Monitor with
a CyberVision64 card and CyberGfx V2.18 :
Resolution Frequency
x y d h(kHz) v(Hz)
320 256 8 40.9 68.8
640 256 8 44.6 74.0
640 512 8 42.9 75.6
800 600 8 43.7 67.7
1024 768 8 44.9 55.2
1120 953 8 44.9 90.1 i
1280 953 8 45.0 90.1 i
320 256 16 40.9 68.8
640 256 16 42.1 69.9
640 512 16 39.7 70.0
800 600 16 44.6 69.2
1024 768 16 44.9 55.2
320 256 24 40.1 68.8
640 256 24 42.1 69.9
640 512 24 39.7 70.0
800 600 24 44.6 69.2
1024 768 24 38.7 98.5 i
1120 730 24 35.2 91.9 i