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Short:Cool Gold navigation icons for IBrowse!
Author:Claus Mandal
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Download:comm/www/N42-IBrowse.lha - View contents

Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
    4491    2163 51.8% 24-Dec-96 06:07:24  IBrowseGold.readme
   72836   48435 33.5% 24-Dec-96 04:01:18  def_Navigation.Gold.1Star
   67808   43120 36.4% 24-Dec-96 03:38:04  def_Navigation.Gold.Bright
   58760   37463 36.2% 23-Dec-96 04:46:20  def_Navigation.Gold.Dark
   52566   41140 21.7% 24-Dec-96 04:47:20  def_Navigation.Gold.Molecules
   61004   35882 41.1% 23-Dec-96 04:40:40  def_Navigation.Gold.Normal
   71290   49788 30.1% 24-Dec-96 03:06:46  def_Navigation.Gold.Star
   73846   49248 33.3% 24-Dec-96 03:52:50  def_Navigation.Gold.Star.2
   74512   60832 18.3% 24-Dec-96 04:06:38  def_Navigation.Gold.Stoned
   79966   53479 33.1% 24-Dec-96 03:59:16  def_Navigation.Gold.Wired
   80322   69670 13.2% 24-Dec-96 04:30:38  def_Navigation.Molecules
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
  697401  491220 29.5% 24-Dec-96 06:10:28   11 files


Goddag allesammen!
[lingual metamorphosis in progress...]
[Collecting foreign syllabels (or whatever they are called)...]
[COME ON!!!!....ok.....]

If you like me are using IBrowse because it's the best at the moment and are
almost going to buy it, but withhold because the navigation icons are shit
(sorry)... Well here you are... Someone (hi there!) were so kind to put some gfx
on me harddisk and I sort of put it together so we all can use it and show off
our community's best browser...

So you think they are big? That's because I run IBrowse on my Workbench. My
Workbench? Well, it's like this; 1280x1024 in 65536 colours... So they they are
actually pretty small (64x64 pixels :)

Thank's alot CyberVision! They repaired my CV for FREE when it broke!!!! That's
goddamn great service if you ask me!!!

Here you go...

Rename the version you like to "def_Navigation" and put it in the "images"
drawer of IBrowse's directory.

The IBrowse people are welcome to include it in their package. Just have to
mention my name and email and contact me and buy me a rubb...... naa forget the
last one...

Merry Christmas...

Claus Mandal

Practical Information:

	- def_Navigation.Gold.Normal      61004

This is the standard version of my navigator gold. Should be respected and
honoured daily. Your mantra should be "navigator gold, navigator gold, navigator gold...."
Any problems with that? My email if you choose to contact me, is

	- def_Navigation.Gold.Bright      67808

Brighter version of the normal version for people with dark configured monitors
who just want to make those navigator buttons GLOW in the dark... (frying the
shit out of the little phosphor people living on the surface of your monitor...

	- def_Navigation.Gold.Dark        58760

[Thought: should I explain this one?!?!?] This is a darker version of
the normal one and a tad darker than double-dark of the brighter one than the
normal. For use on those screens totally up-brightened and up-contrasted by
their user. Should free those little phosphor thingies from pre-monitor-death

	- def_Navigation.Molecules        80322

For the sick and perverted who feel very, very close to their machines. Or
simply for those who can read molecules... or the text below the buttons...

	- def_Navigation.Gold.Molecules   52566

And here for the narrow sighted. With a holographic rose...overlay...bedtime...

	- def_Navigation.Gold.1Star       72836

Has a blue intergalatic bluish space background so MUI doesn't kill the background of it,
making it look stupid on IBrowsers on the WB with MUI configured funny. Said in another way,
these buttons work on the WB... Has btw 1Star on it making the navigation set
look sort of deep in it all together...

	- def_Navigation.Gold.Star        71290

A cool star set to be used with MUI buttons defined as black and text as white
or at least brighter than dark.

	- def_Navigation.Gold.Star.2      73846

Also with an intergalatic spacey bluish background and a star and a lens and a flare and an on on it.

	- def_Navigation.Gold.Stoned      74512

If you already have selected some stoned textures for your windows, buttons,
borders etc... in MUI, this is for you. Stoned, kicked, hit, and spitted on for
your pleasure only...

	- def_Navigation.Gold.Wired       79966

You're the Gibsonian type, simply can't resist to setup your computer as if it
were a direct link to cyberspace. Just can't wait for the decks and simstims to
be invented for you to jack into. Wiping your ass in pages from Rama and 2001
when having dropped the load. Mona Lisa you're my Overdrive! Gibson invented
the cold cyberspace, I invented the buttons so you can navigate properly into it.
Kyberrummet laenge leve!


v1.0	23-Dec-96
	First release.

v1.1	24-Dec-96 (HO...HO...HO...)
	Repaired some pixels on some of the old ones (needed extra fuel-bags).
	Added more variations.
          Very bored and added some boring text to describe each design...
          Now I really am bored...
          Better upload it to Urban's mean machine....
	Connect 28800 bla bla...
	Wow! I'm actually in cyberspace now!!!
	What now?!?!
	Maybe someone will get me out of here....
	Help me!!!!

Contents of comm/www/N42-IBrowse.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 2163    4491  48.2% -lh5- b864 Dec 24  1996 IBrowseGold.readme
[generic]                48435   72836  66.5% -lh5- e3bc Dec 24  1996 def_Navigation.Gold.1Star
[generic]                43120   67808  63.6% -lh5- 78c4 Dec 24  1996 def_Navigation.Gold.Bright
[generic]                37463   58760  63.8% -lh5- 2ceb Dec 23  1996 def_Navigation.Gold.Dark
[generic]                41140   52566  78.3% -lh5- fac1 Dec 24  1996 def_Navigation.Gold.Molecules
[generic]                35882   61004  58.8% -lh5- 52e9 Dec 23  1996 def_Navigation.Gold.Normal
[generic]                49788   71290  69.8% -lh5- 0122 Dec 24  1996 def_Navigation.Gold.Star
[generic]                49248   73846  66.7% -lh5- 6b2b Dec 24  1996 def_Navigation.Gold.Star.2
[generic]                60832   74512  81.6% -lh5- b62c Dec 24  1996 def_Navigation.Gold.Stoned
[generic]                53479   79966  66.9% -lh5- e19e Dec 24  1996 def_Navigation.Gold.Wired
[generic]                69670   80322  86.7% -lh5- fefd Dec 24  1996 def_Navigation.Molecules
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        11 files  491220  697401  70.4%            Dec 28  1996
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