_________ ______________ __________
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\/_/ /_/__\__/ /_/____\_/ ______ \_\
\_\__________/ \____ ____/ \______/_/_/
.---------[ LiThIuM SyStEmS BbS ]--------.
| PrOgRaMa : Lithium Display |
| VeRsAo : V1.0 |
| Autor : Cristian Robert Gallas |
| NickName : SuRRouND |
| Email : surround@iname.com |
| DaTa : 20/05/1997 |
+---------------[ CoMmEnT ]--------------+
| Door for Maxs BBS 1.54+ and Maxs Pro. |
| Display Ansi Intro, with force visual |
| look ansi. [*] |
| With Code in SAS C! Amiga Forever!!! |
`--------------------------------[ lI! ]-'
Install This Door:
*1* Copy allfiles in this packet for:
doors:LithiumDisplay/ <- Here!
*2* Add Door in menu files:
? 34 0 0 0 0 doors:LithiumDisplay/LithiumDisplay
*3* Over, it`s real simple!
*4* If you have any question about this send msg:
Latest files available ( Aminet & Scene )
Friendly, helpful SysOp...
Call Soon!