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comm/maxs/KFB-Speedup.lha |
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KFBspeedup will speed up the output from KFB within individual file areas
for listing, especially in areas where very few files are online.
It works by splitting the file area down into component areas, and these
areas are scanned by patched versions of the original KFBLIST door (the
patch program is contained in the archive).
The marked files are then downloaded using a patched version of the
KFBDOWNLOAD door which looks at the small reference file to get it's
marked file pointers right.
The original KFB.DATA file is never touched, and the original function
can be replaced at any time.
Limitations of the door are:
Files marked in a fast-listed area have to be dl'd in that area
New files only appear once the fast data is updated (linked lists
using the original doors still show them)
The archive contains:
A small data creation program that is used by all the other programs
to enable them to patch files (from the KFBfilelist generator).
Creates a small file in RAM: equivalent to one byte per file in your
A patched KFBLIST creator (one patched copy of KFBLIST required for
each file area under the new system). The filename will have the file
area number added to the filename, ie. KFBLIST20 is the door for FB20
A patched KFBDOWNLOAD creator - as KFBLIST
The KFB.DATA file splitter - make a directory in KFB called DAT/ and
this program will split the original KFB.DATA file into individual
areas in the drawer. Files will be called FB20 for area 20 etc.
The file splitter and the data file creator should probably be run on a
daily basis to keep the fast data up to date, the patched door makers
need only be run once when you set it up.
Contents of comm/maxs/KFB-Speedup.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 692 1008 68.7% -lh5- 4b9d Jun 22 1996 KFBcreate_data
[generic] 129 338 38.2% -lh5- f878 Aug 7 1997 KFBcreate_data.info
[generic] 2402 6105 39.3% -lh5- 7cf0 Aug 7 1997 KFBspeedup.doc
[generic] 255 355 71.8% -lh5- 66c0 Aug 7 1997 KFBspeedup.doc.info
[generic] 1258 2488 50.6% -lh5- 42ec Aug 7 1997 make_kfbdownload_patches
[generic] 586 1213 48.3% -lh5- 42be Aug 7 1997 make_kfbdownload_patches.bas
[generic] 130 338 38.5% -lh5- 98ff Aug 7 1997 make_kfbdownload_patches.info
[generic] 1302 2692 48.4% -lh5- b5af Aug 6 1997 make_kfblist_patches
[generic] 129 338 38.2% -lh5- f7cd Aug 7 1997 make_kfblist_patches.info
[generic] 1027 1832 56.1% -lh5- ee95 Aug 6 1997 split_kfb_areas
[generic] 129 338 38.2% -lh5- 807b Aug 7 1997 split_kfb_areas.info
[generic] 1091 2298 47.5% -lh5- bf7c Aug 10 1997 KFB-Speedup.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 12 files 9130 19343 47.2% Aug 10 1997
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