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comm/mail/MailExtract.lha |
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A simple program which when called, will scan a file (presumably your
mail inbox) and will extract messages you want saved to a different
file. For instance, my wife subscribes to a mailing list that gets
60 messages a day. I end up searching through all 61 messages we've
recieved, looking for the one to me. So I wrote this program. Now
after recieving mail, I run mailextract. It searches for all messages
with a To: or Cc: line with the mailing list name in it. Those messages
are moved from the inbox to a file where all her incoming mailing list
stuff is. You can have it search for a bunch of different header strings
and save to as many files (I think the limit is 20). All messages which
don't match any string, are left in the inbox (unless you search on #?
as one of the strings). Searching is case insensative.
This program is very similar to one on aminet, I don't remember the name.
The difference is that this one is called when you want to sort your
inbox (like right after you run getmail) as opposed to the other which
was a commodity that was always running. Also, this one has source
code so you can modify it to do just what you want.
This code is public domain. If you use it, I'd like to know and perhaps
receive credit, but since it's public domain you don't really have to.
It's a thank you to all the amiga programmers out there.
I wrote it using an Amiga 3000 running WB3.1. So I don't know if it
has any specific code for any other machines, but like I said, source
is included so you can recompile it if you want.
How To Use It:
First create a file (I call it .merc) which holds the list of search
strings and files to save to. The format is
; comment lines
search pattern
search pattern
..and so on. The search string uses standard amigados search patterns.
Okay, now just type
mailextract inboxfile mercfile
and the inboxfile will be searched and the mercfile will be used to
determine which messages to extract. So to search for the To: or Cc:
header containing JunkMail@whoever.com and save those to the file
uumail:whoever, you'd use a .merc file like this
;.merc file
;.merc file
It's pretty simple.
How I Use It:
I run an arexx script every time I log onto the network or want my mail read.
It looks like this:
address command
/* get mail, this is as normal */
'getmail MAIL uumail:gragg USER gragg PASS ***** HOME uulib: POPHOST smtp.inetworld.net DELETE'
/* now run the mailextract */
'c:mailextract uumail:gragg uulib:.merc >t:me.out'
/* since I sent the output to a file, I can open a window on workbench and
** display the number of messages moved to each file and the number left
** in the inbox. Also, it speaks the output using the say program.
IF Open(meout,"T:me.out",'r') THEN DO
IF Open("STDOUT","con:200/150/180/120/AnnounceMail/Auto/Close","w") THEN DO
CALL Pragma("*","STDOUT")
DO WHILE ~EOF(meout)
line = ReadLn(meout)
SAY line
IF Length(line)>1 THEN 'sys:utilities/SAY' line
CALL Close(meout)
CALL Delete("T:me.out")
CALL Delay(100)
CALL Pragma("*")
CALL Open("STDOUT","*","w")
Contents of comm/mail/MailExtract.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 54 54 100.0% -lh0- e193 Apr 9 1996 .merc
[generic] 8275 13660 60.6% -lh5- 3976 Apr 11 1996 MailExtract
[generic] 2228 6538 34.1% -lh5- 76cc Apr 11 1996 MailExtract.c
[generic] 436 659 66.2% -lh5- 7101 Apr 11 1996 MailExtract.c.info
[generic] 391 835 46.8% -lh5- 33f9 Mar 31 1996 MailExtract.info
[generic] 1655 3495 47.4% -lh5- ef6a Apr 23 1996 MailExtract.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 6 files 13039 25241 51.7% May 8 1996
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