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This is 'magical' - magic amirc loader - a program that allows to start
'AmIRC' selectively, associating configuration file with particular port.
Requires 68000+(no FPU), OS V36+, 4096+ bytes of free memory,
muimaster 19.35, AmIRC
Program is not very sophisticated, uses subprocesses to make 'MUI' think
there are some 'AMIRC.x' instanes running - this is kinda slow because 'MUI'
needs to setup a lot of stuff for each process, the most annoying thing is
reading of .prefs files - this is the main reason why this program is slow,
anyone know how to tell 'MUI' not to read .prefs files?
For now there can be max 32 instanes spawned from under this program, this
may change in the future if i found a way to skip .prefs loading and parsing.
This program has great imo advantage of making 'ARexx' scripts with static
ports happy. If your script uses 'AMIRC.16' - i know, i know this is just
for explanation purposes - then you spawn 16th instance and script works.
Do you see the power now? Think about bots, you can have some ARexx bot at
16th instance and still use 1st without problems.
By default [options/f] include "config=AMIRC.x.amircfg", where 'x' is port
number so you better skip 'config' as it will not work anyway :] Another
plus is that no annoying popup window will appear when connecting - i hate
this popup connection wizard.
Proggy sets RC 5 if error has been encountered and yet it can be used only
from 'CLI'!!!
Installation is quite simple, copy it to your 'AmIRC' directory.
*** template: magical <number/n/a> [options/f]
<number/n/a> - port number you wish to use, 1-32.
<options/f> - AmIRC options, there is no need to use quotes.
There is a special option called 'break!' that
is recognised only by 'magical'.
;spawn 16th instance, force it to connect to the default
;server and execute your ARexx script(bot possibly).
> magical 16 connect startuprx=mybot.rexx
;run 2nd instance and use some other nick
> magical 2 nick=DickDickson
;terminate 2nd instance
> magical 2 break!
Contents of comm/irc/magical.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 2125 3392 62.6% -lh5- 8046 Aug 12 21:03 magical-0.1/magical
[generic] 3440 13607 25.3% -lh5- 5697 Aug 12 14:28 magical-0.1/magical.c
[generic] 1152 2224 51.8% -lh5- ea32 Aug 12 14:10 magical-0.1/magical.readme
[generic] 247 437 56.5% -lh5- 0a64 Aug 12 14:09 magical-0.1/SMakefile
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 4 files 6964 19660 35.4% Aug 12 19:41
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