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MonstAmIRC v1.0 - Preference file for AmIRC with 138 servers listed!
MonstAmIRC isn't a piece of software really. It's just a prefs file for very
cool IRC client AmIRC.
The idea for this prefs file came from the fact that there's just not enough
servers on the serverlist of AmIRC when you first run it... I was so used to
having huge amount of servers to choose from when I was using PC and Mirc in
school (well, after all I had free access to Internet, so I guess I could take
some WIN95 chrashes like a man :))... So what did I do? Well, I checked Mirc
homepages and found a list of different IRC-servers, which I printed out and
took home with me... Then it was simply a matter of writing down every single
server in the printed copy to AmIRC's server selection window... It took me
some 3 hours to write all servers down, but I think it was worth it -besides, I
think it benefits all other AmIRC users, since they don't have to write down
all those servers, or look them up on the Internet...
Installation of the prefs file is easy: just copy it to your AmIRC directory
and rename it if you like. Then load AmIRC and load my settings... And Hey
Presto! You now have a list of 138 IRC servers in alphabetical order... You
also have to change all other settings to those that you were using before, but
I guess that won't be much of a problem... Enjoy! :)
If you want me to include even more servers and make another version of
MonstAmIrc, then write to me. If there's enough interest towards a new version,
I will check out, if I could include some more servers to the list... Or if
you'd like to do it yourself, then be my guest :)
Contact me for any reason at:
Snail Mail: Nemesis/Zenon
Ari Luukkonen
Pirttikatu 7 D 15
FIN-48900 Sunila
E-Mail: nemesiz@usa.net
You can also check Zenon's homepage at: www.tlti.tokem.fi/~ttohe/zenon.html
And mine at: yi.com/home/LuukkonenAri
Or: members.tripod.com/~Nemezis
Contents of comm/irc/MonstAmIRC.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic] 3499 10873 32.2% -lh5- 2141 Jun 8 1997 MonstAmIRC.AmIRCfg
[generic] 1124 2382 47.2% -lh5- f535 Jun 8 1997 MonstAmIRC_v1.0.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
Total 2 files 4623 13255 34.9% Jun 16 1997
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