What is it?
This script gets music module information from Hippoplayer or DeliTracker
and displays it in the activated AmIRC channel window.
Listing of archive 'GetMODinfo.lha':
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
653 399 38.8% 16-Feb-99 23:14:38 GetMODinfo.AMIRX
4058 1741 57.0% 17-Feb-99 01:44:26 GetMODinfo.readme
2119 810 61.7% 16-Feb-99 23:14:36 MODinfo.REXX
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
6831 2954 56.7% 17-Feb-99 01:44:32 3 files
We aren't responsible if this script does ANY damage to your computer,
although we haven't made it to do so. If your computer halts, melts, and
catches fire it isn't our fault. ;)
Copy MODinfo.REXX to REXX:
Add the alias /ALIAS mod /RX GetMODinfo.AMIRX %p or add it as a button to
AmIRC with /RX GetMODinfo.AMIRX and then save your AmIRC prefs.
/mod <-- Echoes current module info to the channel.
Hippoplayer example: * Firebird^ is playing "Active Meditation" (Type:
Protracker Size: 636546 Time: 4m 39s)
DeliTracker example: * CoBaLt60^ is playing party invitation (ProTracker)
/mod <ANY argument> <-- Echoes the module info locally on the AmIRC window,
not to the channel.
(When echoing locally, a bit more information is given.)
Hippoplayer example:
«ModInfo» Mod #99 (99/2843) AB 2 AGA Title (Protracker Size: 171590 Time:
3m53s) Pos: 3/42
«ModInfo» MOD_Files:MODs/A/AB2AGATitle.MOD
«ModInfo» Alistair Brimble | Alien Breed 2 AGA | Team 17 | Game
DeliTracker example:
«ModInfo» Mod #632/961 party invitation (ProTracker)
«ModInfo» hbv:goodmods/PartyInvitation.LhA 87497 24-Jun-98
«ModInfo» from Firebird^ (@biteme.wanker.ubastard.org)
«ModInfo» random:yes GUI open:yes playing:yes filter:no volume:10
«ModInfo» program is HBV:Apps/DeliTracker_II/DeliConfig/mods.program
Or you can just click on the nice AmIRC button you made. ;)
NOTE: DelitrackerII doesn't give the playingtime or position information BUT
it lets other sounds such as amirc event sounds play over the mod.
(This may not apply when using AHI.)
Enjoy the script!
This is the only version we will make. There will be no future versions of
this script.
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\_/ // // // // // // / / /\_\/ Yours
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Docs, consultation, and some cosmetic changes:
_______ _____ ______ _______ ______ _____ ______ ______
|______ | |_____/ |______ |_____] | |_____/ | \
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