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comm/fido/patchpkt111.lha |
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Fido Package Patcher/Modifier V1.11
written 1995 by Mathias Supp
Sysop of the Amiga Inside I : ++49(0)721-854112 (ZyX)
++49(0)721-841292 (V34)
++49(0)721-841230 (V34)
Release : 09.07.1995
Copyright :
This utility is shareware. If you like this program, send me a donation of
DM10.- , please.
Address :
Mathias Supp
Goerresstr. 6
76185 Karlsruhe
Via bank :
Badische Beamtenbank
BLZ.: 66090800
KNr.: 3426580
There're no requesters or limits in this version because the work doesn't
pay for this cheap product.
Introduction :
Some Tosser have problems with the contents of some fido .pkt-files :
1. large messages (Foozle)
2. large .pkt-files (low memory systems)
3. long kludges (Mailmanager)
4. long area names (Foozle)
5. long message IDs (Mailmanager)
PatchPKT solves most of the problems.
Contents of Archive :
PatchPKT.doc : this documentation
PatchPKT.dok : german documentation
PatchPKT : 68000 version
PatchPKT_020 : 68020 and 68030 version
PatchPKT_040 : 68040 version
What does it do ?
- .pkt-files can be splitted to have a certain maximum size
- Messages can be splitted to have a certain maximum size
- Kludges can be removed by using AmigaDOS pattern
- Kludges can be cutted to a certain length
- Message ID will be corrected by using the address of the origin line
- Area names can be renamed by using a renaming list
- Fake from-address
- show package password
Format of renaming list :
original name <Space(s)> shorted name
Known problems :
- PatchPKT crashes with corrupted .pkt-files.
- PatchPKT TOTALLY loads the given .pkt-file into memory
If not possible, the .pkt-file will be renamed into xxxxxx.outofmem
Parameter :
PKTFILE : name of the .pkt-file to process
OUT=OUTFILE : wanted output file (while splitting, numbers will be
added to the filename
MAX=MAXSIZE : maximum size of the output file
SM=SPLITMESSAGE : maximum size of the message
AF=AUTOFILE : create .pkt-files automatically with new names (FTSC
conform names will be created)
VERBOSE : show info to each message
SP=SHOWPROBLEMS : show if there're messages without message id
CF=CONVERSIONFILE : the renaming file as explained above
FM=FIXMSGID : replace uucp domains in message id to the address of
the origin
CK=CUTKLUDGES cut kludges to certain length
KK=KILLKLUDGES : kill kludges matching the folling pattern(s)
FF=FAKEFROM : from address to be faked
FT=FAKETO : address to replace the from address (if only FT is
given, ALL from adresses will be faked)
History :
V1.09 : first Release
V1.11 : 09.07.1995 added some features (FAKEFROM, FAKETO, display of
package password)
have fun
P.S.: Sorry for my bad school-english, but I hope you understood what I
Contents of comm/fido/patchpkt111.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 12111 20932 57.9% -lh5- 81ed Jul 9 1995 PatchPKT
[generic] 1607 4136 38.9% -lh5- 89b2 Jul 9 1995 PatchPKT.doc
[generic] 1710 4419 38.7% -lh5- c6c1 Jul 9 1995 PatchPKT.dok
[generic] 12205 21084 57.9% -lh5- 79bb Jul 9 1995 PatchPKT_020
[generic] 12198 21084 57.9% -lh5- ed8a Jul 9 1995 PatchPKT_040
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 5 files 39831 71655 55.6% Jul 10 1995
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