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Short:1.02b: Fido Node tosser with really good Areafix and nodelist support
Author: schmitzj at (Juergen Schmitz)
Uploader:schmitzj trier fh-rpl de (Juergen Schmitz)
Download:comm/fido/JS_Toss102b.lha - View contents

                       Requires OS2.0 or better

Since  points  use better mail editors than nodes, nodes started using
"fake  points"  to  get the comfort of this editors. Maybe this worked
fine but it's only a hack and was complicated. 


               Update with bigs fixed and new features


                  The Fido Mailtosser System JS_TOSS

JS_TOSS was developed on the fact that there was nothing as it before.
It is simply a tosser no mail editor and has no message base. This has
simple  reasons:  There are already good mail editors which have their
message  base.  The  other  problem is that mailbox programs have also
their own message base which are completely different from the once of
the  mail editors. So all we need is a tosser that allows the sysop to
use  any  editor  he wants, has full node support to make life easier,
like areafix and routing.

So JS_TOSS was born. This diagram shows the exact position of JS_TOSS
in you node system:

     +------------------+                  +------------------+
     |    THE SYSOP     |                  |   THE MAILBOX    |
     +------------------+                  +------------------+
     |Using an editor he|                  |Mailbox Software  |
     |likes (Spot, April|                  |with its own      |
     |PM or others)     |                  |tosser and editors|
     +------------------+                  +------------------+
     |Still reachable by|                  |Every user is     |
     |the node address! |                  |reachable by the  |
     |No fake point!    |                  |node address!     |
     +------------------+                  +------------------+
        own in/outbound                       own in/outbound

               \  \                               /  /
                \  \                             /  /
                 \  \                           /  /
                  \  \    +---------------+    /  /
                   \  \   |    JS_TOSS    |   /  /
                    \  \  +---------------+  /  /
                     \  \ |doing complete | /  /
                      \   |echo and mail  |   /
                          |routing and    |
                          |point handling |

                                |  |
                                |  |

                      "normal" in/outbound

                       |      the world      |
                       |Up/Downlinks - using |
                       |TrapDoor or something|
                       |else                 |


 - unlimited number of zones (i.e. nets like Fido, AmigaNet, etc)
 - unlimited number of links (up/downlinks, points)
 - routing table for every zone with wildcards
   (e.g. "ROUTE 2:24*/*.* 2:24/1.0" will route every netmail for
    region 24 to 2:24/1.0)
 - nodelist routing (route netmails to the node's HUB)
 - unlimited number of mail robots (e.g. areafix, file tick managers)
   which can have any name you want
 - buildin areafix with many features  
 - unlimited number of mail tracker (e.g. to check for allowed
   addresses, to change destination addresses because of new address)
 - AKA's unlimited for every zone (e.g. if you have different nodes
   for your different lines)
 - password in message packet header  
 - enable or disable file attach for nodes or points
 - add new public echos automatically
 - forward request
 - individual (un)packer for every up/downlink
 - set links readonly for echos
 - lock links from echos
 - unused forward echos are removed
 and more you may find out...


                           Changes in 1.02b

- BugFix, point's mail to areafix where sometimes set to BBS so a non
  existing BBS config file for this point was read

                           Changes in 1.02a

- unregistered 1.02 didn't run

                           Changes in 1.02

- added memory pooling function for users of OS2.0
  (JS_TOSS uses many small memory blocks so this will help protect
  memory fragmentation)
  Routines were imported from my new layout.lib!
- Forward echos will now be removed if not user requesting it
- some too short strings made longer and limit check added (this
  caused some crashed especially in Areafix)
- TRACK command with given destination address didn't work 
* some small mail robots written and added to the distribution to
  demonstrate the easy usage of JS_Toss mail robots

                           Changes in 1.01

- Trouble with GEcho - has its own way of thinking of correct mail
- password may be places in message packet exported to links
- now supporting sending unpacket mail packets in
  one .OUT/.HUT file
- internal area handling completely rewritten, now
  autonew echos and unused or unknown echos better
  working, zone config file better used
- echos only listed in area config files but not in
  zone config no longer allowed and supported
- some more internal changes and optimations that
  made JS_TOSS again much bytes smaller
- wrong Sysop name pattern could crash JS_Toss :(
- added destination address to TRACK command
- new key files required!!
- added 2nd wildcard "!" which means "all expect zero"
  (e.g. for all points but not for sysop)

                           Changes in 1.00b

sorry again! Tosser didn't work with CPUs that had its vector tables
starting from address 0 :(

                           Changes in 1.00a

sorry, sometimes version 1.00 didn't work with OS 2.0 because of an
really ugly bug in the ReadArgs() handling function :-(


Fido  and  FidoNet  are  registered  marks  of  Tom  Jennings and Fido

Contents of comm/fido/JS_Toss102b.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                   75      92  81.5% -lh5- f5f6 May  8  1995 js_tosser/example/js_toss/Config_42_100_3_0
[generic]                   49      49 100.0% -lh0- 6325 May  8  1995 js_tosser/example/js_toss/Default_Config_42
[generic]                   82     101  81.2% -lh5- cdaf May  8  1995 js_tosser/example/js_toss/fwd_42_1_1_0
[generic]                   94     100  94.0% -lh5- 800e May  8  1995 js_tosser/example/js_toss/fwd_42_2_1_0
[generic]                  136     256  53.1% -lh5- bf41 May  8  1995 js_tosser/example/js_toss/Zone_42.cfg
[generic]                16407   29464  55.7% -lh5- b827 May  8  1995 js_tosser/Register
[generic]                  274     628  43.6% -lh5- 677c May  8  1995 js_tosser/
[generic]                  276     628  43.9% -lh5- e62e May  8  1995 js_tosser/
[generic]                  274     628  43.6% -lh5- a9ee May  8  1995 js_tosser/
[generic]                  564    1292  43.7% -lh5- 9cdc May  8  1995 js_tosser/
[generic]                  280     628  44.6% -lh5- c130 May  8  1995 js_tosser/
[generic]                  333     838  39.7% -lh5- ab1a May  8  1995 js_tosser/
[generic]                  349    1131  30.9% -lh5- 5e9a May  8  1995 js_tosser/doc/
[generic]                  275     628  43.8% -lh5- 4cca May  8  1995 js_tosser/
[generic]                  347    1131  30.7% -lh5- 3679 May  8  1995 js_tosser/doc/
[generic]                  347    1131  30.7% -lh5- ff69 May  8  1995 js_tosser/doc/
[generic]                  351    1131  31.0% -lh5- bdb2 May  8  1995 js_tosser/doc/
[generic]                  348    1131  30.8% -lh5- 45f1 May  8  1995 js_tosser/doc/
[generic]                  348    1131  30.8% -lh5- 5e60 May  8  1995 js_tosser/doc/
[generic]                  348    1131  30.8% -lh5- deb2 May  8  1995 js_tosser/doc/
[generic]                  740    1457  50.8% -lh5- 070a May  8  1995 js_tosser/example/JS_Toss.cfg
[generic]                 2617   10053  26.0% -lh5- fc99 May  8  1995 js_tosser/Install
[generic]                11550   23476  49.2% -lh5- 7810 May 10  1995 js_tosser/libs/js_tools.library
[generic]                  481    1166  41.3% -lh5- 794e May 15  1995 js_tosser/bin/
[generic]                  274     628  43.6% -lh5- 0c6f Jun  4  1995
[generic]                 8112   13312  60.9% -lh5- 6ada Sep  3  1995 js_tosser/bin/JS_CheckAddress
[generic]                 2346    5636  41.6% -lh5- 8630 Sep  9  1995 js_tosser/languages/deutsch
[generic]                 2010    5141  39.1% -lh5- 1f77 Sep  9  1995 js_tosser/languages/english
[generic]                 1341    3626  37.0% -lh5- 0bf0 Sep  9  1995 js_tosser/example/robots/Holiday.rx
[generic]                 1002    3352  29.9% -lh5- d18e Sep  9  1995 js_tosser/doc/Routing.doc
[generic]                 3377    8845  38.2% -lh5- 9ff6 Sep  9  1995 js_tosser/doc/Mail-Robots.doc
[generic]                 1186    2852  41.6% -lh5- 2a9e Sep  9  1995 js_tosser/doc/JS_Config.doc
[generic]                  441    1254  35.2% -lh5- 82ff Sep  9  1995 js_tosser/.displayme
[generic]                 1334    3313  40.3% -lh5- 1fb9 Sep  9  1995 js_tosser/doc/Wildcards.doc
[generic]                 4425   15328  28.9% -lh5- 7df3 Sep  9  1995 js_tosser/doc/Config-Files.doc
[generic]                 3045    8352  36.5% -lh5- 433a Sep  9  1995 js_tosser/doc/Areafix.doc
[generic]                17222   33892  50.8% -lh5- 5cdf Sep 13  1995 js_tosser/bin/JS_Config
[generic]                 1066    4280  24.9% -lh5- 4d46 Sep 24  1995 js_tosser/example/robots/Mail2all.rx
[generic]                 8733   23123  37.8% -lh5- 5027 Oct 15  1995 js_tosser/doc/JS_TOSS.doc
[generic]                48451   99904  48.5% -lh5- 24e7 Oct 15  1995 js_tosser/bin/JS_Toss
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        40 files  141310  312239  45.3%            Oct 18  1995
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