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Turns a CNet-BBS CNetToss-log into a toss-report:
TagName Toss | In | Out | In/Day | Out/Day | In/Toss | Out/Toss
1 AMIGA_BBS 2 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0
2 AMIGA 15 | 230 | 0 | 28 | 0 | 15 | 0
3 CNET 20 | 94 | 0 | 11 | 0 | 4 | 0
4 NET2410_SYSOP 23 | 91 | 0 | 11 | 0 | 3 | 0
5 CONSUMER_REPORT 22 | 522 | 0 | 65 | 0 | 23 | 0
6 AMIGA_TECH 42 | 165 | 0 | 20 | 0 | 3 | 0
7 AMIGA_PDREVIEW 10 | 32 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 3 | 0
8 FS 12 | 40 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 3 | 0
9 FILM 16 | 1056 | 0 | 132 | 0 | 66 | 0
10 ZYXEL 13 | 130 | 0 | 16 | 0 | 10 | 0
Shows how many times each Fidonet echo:
1) Gets tossed.
2) # of msgs inbound.
3) # of msgs outbound.
4) # of msgs in per day.
5) # of msgs out per day.
6) # of msgs in per toss run.
7) # of msgs out per toss run.
1) Copy TossReport.rexx TO Rexx:
2) Modify CNet:BBSMENU adding the following line as
"Available Everywhere":
> TOSSReport | {#0 Rexx:TossReport.rexx "TOSS INBOUND OUTBOUND"}
3) Edit the variables below marked as "user-settable".
Options... (All options can be abbreviated to just the 1st 4 chars.)
LISTFILE=FileName : Only display this list of tagnames. (Not yet supported)
SKIPFILE=FileName : Skip this list of tagnames. (Not yet supported)
TAGNAME=TagName : Only display this one (1) tagname.
DAYS=n : Only display tosses made within the last n days.
(0=none, 1=today, 2=yesterday, etc...)
SORT=n : Sort the display, based on values in column #n.
(The default is "no sorting", "display as logged".)
SORT=-n : Reverse-sort the display, based on values in column #n.
(Not yet supported)
TOSSES : Display number of tosses for each sub.
INBOUND : Display number of inbound msgs.
OUTBOUND : Display number of outbound msgs.
INDAY : Display number of inbound msgs per day.
INTOSS : Display number of outbound msgs per toss.
OUTDAY : Display number of outbound msgs per day.
OUTTOSS : Display number of outbound msgs per toss.
SHOWALL : Display all seven (7) of the above items.
LOG=FileName.LOG : Name of CNetToss log for input. (Default=SysData:Log/Toss)
PROMPT : Prompt user for addition options. (Not yet supported)
HELP : See help text.
TEST : Display additional debugging code. (Not yet supported)
NONUMBER : Don't number the list of tagnames.
NOHEADER : Don't display the header-line.
NOTOTALS : Don't display the totals-line.
NONAME : Don't diplay author credits or prg name.
DATE : Display date before each line of output.
A typical CLI usage would be:
CLI> rx Rexx:TossReport.rexx TOSS INBOUND OUTBOUND
CLI> Alias Report rx Rexx:TossReport.rexx TOSS INBOUND OUTBOUND
A typical online usage would be:
BBSMENU> TOSSReport | {#4 rx Rexx:TossReport.rexx "INBOUND OUTBOUND"}
Other possible online uses:
BBSMENU> TOSSReport | {#4 rx Rexx:TossReport.rexx SHOWALL}
(If you wish to have the screen-cleared first, add "\f1" right after the "|".)
Similar uses from the CLI:
CLI> Alias TossReport rx Rexx:TossReport.rexx SHOWALL
CLI> Alias TossCalls rx Rexx:TossReport.rexx INBOUND OUTBOUND
You must be using CNet's own CNetToss prg (NOT TrapToss or other tosser).
You must be running "Toss VERBOSITY 2" (level 2 or 3).
Bill Beogelein
Box 530441
Livonia, MI 48153
BBS 810-473-2020, Fido 1:2410/207
$VER: TossReport v0.2 Saturday 11-Jun-94 21:14:21
First release.
Beta-copy sent to "Michael Rudolph" #432 for testing.
$VER: TossReport v0.1 Thu 12-May-94 16:10:20
Written and tested for CNet-BBS v3.05c.
Future Plans:
Please report all bugs and offer any suggestions.
Add "?" at PROMPT for help-text.
Tally MATRIX too.
Show Tosses/Second in totals-line.
Rewrite in 'C' for speed.
lz u CNet3:TossReport.LHA CNet:rexx/TossReport.rexx Help:BB_CMDS a:zzzBBSad
Contents of comm/cnet/TossReport.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 619 1659 37.3% -lh5- eb26 Jun 24 1994 zzzBBSad
[generic] 4032 9798 41.2% -lh5- 9ae6 Jun 23 1994 BB_CMDS
[generic] 5559 17281 32.2% -lh5- f2d6 Jun 25 1994 TossReport.rexx
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 3 files 10210 28738 35.5% Jul 10 1994
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