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Short:INetShell v3.25f CNet->Internet SubSystem
Author: seahorse at (Andy Dickison)
Uploader:seahorse dcroads com (Andy Dickison)
Download:comm/cnet/INetShell.lha - View contents

      INetShell is a CNet BBS tool that allows users to use Internet
      easily.  INet has the ability to store user database entries
      for FTP/TELNET/FINGER sites as well as many other features.

      This is a full working version, it is only limited in that it
      will only allow one user to be in INetShell at a time.

      Once registered.  This same version is only limited by the number
      of active ports that you have on your system.

      v3.25f update:  Works with both v3.05c and v4.xx of CNet Amiga BBS

      Read installation instructions carefully or it could/will screw up
      some of your databases.  This is a concern with v4.xx of CNet, as
      the data structures and method of maintaining UUCP IDs has been

      Changes in this version:

      |*                        INetShell v3.25e Changes                 *|

      REVISIONS   :

  3.25f (08/05/97)  - (IS) Was able to track down and fix the insufficient time
                           bug in INetShell.  (Thank you Tempest Bloodguad for
                           your help). Problem resulted from there not being
                           a bbscharges file in use or present.  INetShell now
                           will check for the existance of the file.

  3.25e (07/22/97)  - (IS) Located and fixed a couple of routines that were
                           causing Enforcer Hits.
                      (IS) Hopefully located and fixed the problem some sysops
                           were having with time remaining/accounting system.

  3.25d (04/20/97)  - (IS) INetShell will now allow the format for ftp file
                           storage as following:
                           Where the %s represents the users UUCPID. The ftp
                           path MUST contain a "%s" and end in a "/" or
                           INetShell will not operate correctly.
                    - (IC) Modified to allow the above, and presents
                           NOTE/WARNING message when editing FTP dir path.
                    - (IM) Modified for above to allow for full proper
                    - (IC) Upon exiting INetConfig, if Config/text files have
                           been copied to ram:  Configuration changes will be
                           automatically updated in ram:
                    - (IS) Found a corrected a problem with INet not able to
                           correctly locate itself when program was being made
                    - (IC) Found a corrected a problem with INetConfig not
                           able to correctly locate itself when program was
                           being made resident.
                    - (IM) Found a corrected a problem with INetMaint not able
                           to correctly locate itself when program was being
                           made resident.

  3.25c (03/25/97)  - (IS) Located a problem with time left not being properly
                           updated.  Fixed.
                    - (IS) Launching of Alynx, no longer requires to the use
                           of the files in AlynxDownload.lha archive.  (these
                           files can still be used if desired, but they are
                           required.  If the AlynxDownload.lha archive files
                           are NOT used, you must ensure that all proper
                           options for use of Alynx are entered into the
                           config module.
                    - (IC) Sysops can now define the location/types and
                           arguments used for the clients used in INetShell.
                    - (IS) INetShell was not properly locating all of its
                           config files.  Fixed.
                    - (IS) Directory maint Kill/Download option in selection
                           submenu not appearing or disappearing on
                           select/deselect all.  Fixed.

  3.25b (03/02/97)  - (IS) Directory maintainance tagging of files for either
                           download or deletion was a bit confusing (not
                           allowing the function to be performed from the
                           selection menu) this has been corrected.  One can
                           now delete or download files directly from the
                           selection menu.
                    - (IS) When moving to a submenu of the Directory Maint
                           module, the activity you are preforming is now
                           highlighted in RED and the [ ] are removed, again
                           to avoid confusion for the user thinking that the
                           item is a possible menu selection.
                    - (IS) Fixed a bug that was preventing Outbound TALK
                           client from operation correctly.
                    - (IS) All selection flags are now cleared after either
                           downloading or deleting selected files.
                    - (IS) Fixed a bug in Dir Maintenance Kill Files option,
                           that was not deleted all of the user selected
                    - (IS) Fixed a bug in Dir Maintenance that was allowing
                           the ANSI highlight bar move into a spot where no
                           option is available.
                    - (IS) INetShell is now able to located where it is
                           started from allowing you to place it most
                           anyplace.  (LIMIT path to 200 characters)
                    - (IC) INetShell is now able to located where it is
                           started from allowing you to place it most
                           anyplace.  (LIMIT path to 200 characters)
                    - (IM) INetShell is now able to located where it is
                           started from allowing you to place it most
                           anyplace.  (LIMIT path to 200 characters)

  3.25a (02/22/97)  - (IS) Added some additional HELP menu items, and help has
                           a whole new look and feel.
                    - (IS) For unregistered versions of INetShell, the unreg
                           screen now provides a progress indicator during
                           delay so that user will not think that the system
                           has froze up on them.

  3.25  (02/14/97)  - (IM) Added INetMaint abilility to maintain its own log

  3.24  (02/09/97)  - (IS) Completed first "release" of CNetC version of
                    - (IM) Rewrote INetMaint to implement new changes in CNet.
                    - (IM) Log to mail feature now uses mail-task inaccordance
                           with developers instructions.  :)
                    - (IS) Removed INetShell Unlimited time feature.  No
                           longer required due to CNetC rewrite of INetShell.
                    - (IC) Updated accounting to conform with cnet.  (ie
                           instead of using $0.0000/min format, you now enter
                           as 0.01c/min).
                    - (IS) INetShell now checks users FTP Directory size upon
                           initial entry into INetShell and upon leaveing each
                           of the file xfer capable clients.  If FTP directory
                           size is over that set in INetConfig, it will remove
                           the ability of the user to utilize a client that
                           has file xfer capability.  (NOTE:  This does not
                           affect users with maint access enabled.)
                    - (IS) Time Left online for user now updated on all menu
                           screens, taking in account actual time left in call
                           as well as account balance.  Converts funds in
                           account balance to minutes automatically.
                    - (IS) INetShell will now, perform the auto-hide/muffle
                           and port monitor in a method that makes sense.  It
                           will hide or muffle you only if you are not
                           already hidden/muffled.  For port monitor, it will
                           ONLY turn port monitor OFF and not turn it on, when
                           entering INetShell.  Additionally it will remeber
                           which ports where set up which way and return them
                           to the original settings upon exiting.
                    - (IS) Added a check to make sure the various clients are
                           installed.  If they are not, the option to use them
                           does not even show up in the main menu command
                    - (IS) Added Notebook entry option for user defined IRC
                    - (IS) Notebook entries are now displayed as a normal list
                           instead of having to cycle through each one.  This
                           allows for faster and more flexible maintenance of
                           the notebook.
                    - (IS) Limited SysOp defined TELNET/FTP menu items to 100.
                           Each menu list can have 100 entries as well, for a
                           possible 10000 different TELNET/FTP listings.
                    - (IS) SysOp defined IRC sites limited to 100.  If someone
                           wants this section to be menu capable as are
                           FTP/Telnet sites it can be done.
                    - (IS) SysOp defined Finger sites not presently available,
                           if someone would like this added, it would not be
                           difficult, this could also include a menu list as
                    - (IS) Limited user defined TELNET/FTP/FINGER/IRC sites to
                           100.  Will consider setting this up as a menu
                           feature as are the SysOp defined sites.
                    - (IS) Added ability to view files in both ASCII and Hex
                    - (IS) You can now either download your selected file
                           right away, or just add them to you download
                    - (IS) You may now have up to 100 listed Archie servers.
                           INet will use the same type of paging format used
                           elsewhere when more than 10 items in to be listed.
                    - (IS) Added ANSI screen movement to allow both hot key
                           selection and use of the arrow keys.


          CND Communications
          PO Box 7410
          York PA 17404-0410

Contents of comm/cnet/INetShell.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  859    1832  46.9% -lh5- 9723 Aug  4  1997 INetShell/_INet325f.changes
[generic]                   74     131  56.5% -lh5- 7192 Jan  5  1995 INetShell/config/ArchieServ
[generic]                  418     819  51.0% -lh5- 4830 Feb 24  1995 INetShell/config/FTP1
[generic]                  951    1742  54.6% -lh5- 63a6 Feb 24  1995 INetShell/config/FTP2
[generic]                  481     846  56.9% -lh5- 5f53 Feb 24  1995 INetShell/config/FTP3
[generic]                  787    1822  43.2% -lh5- 3a6b Feb 24  1995 INetShell/config/FTP4
[generic]                  765    1486  51.5% -lh5- 99c4 Feb 24  1995 INetShell/config/FTP5
[generic]                  216     321  67.3% -lh5- 46a1 Feb 24  1995 INetShell/config/FTP6
[generic]                  193     291  66.3% -lh5- f9c0 Feb 24  1995 INetShell/config/FTP7
[generic]                  356     549  64.8% -lh5- 778c Feb 24  1995 INetShell/config/FTP8
[generic]                  292     434  67.3% -lh5- 9811 Feb 24  1995 INetShell/config/FTP9
[generic]                  163     242  67.4% -lh5- fbde Feb 24  1995 INetShell/config/FTPMenu
[generic]                   97     121  80.2% -lh5- b48a Mar 25  1997 INetShell/config/inet
[generic]                  292    4880   6.0% -lh5- 40a9 Mar 25  1997 INetShell/config/INetClient
[generic]                   75     107  70.1% -lh5- afe5 May 12  1996 INetShell/config/INetMaint
[generic]                  296     593  49.9% -lh5- f9dc Jan  5  1995 INetShell/config/IRCServer
[generic]                  753    2145  35.1% -lh5- ca01 Aug  5  1996 INetShell/config/MOTD
[generic]                  442     981  45.1% -lh5- 0df6 Apr 23  1995 INetShell/config/ShellMenu
[generic]                  371     569  65.2% -lh5- 784f Feb 24  1995 INetShell/config/telnet1
[generic]                 1349    3671  36.7% -lh5- 7a1f Dec 12  1996 INetShell/config/telnet10
[generic]                  180     382  47.1% -lh5- ed04 Feb 24  1995 INetShell/config/telnet11
[generic]                  737    2809  26.2% -lh5- edf3 Feb 24  1995 INetShell/config/telnet12
[generic]                 1009    3192  31.6% -lh5- df1a Feb 24  1995 INetShell/config/telnet13
[generic]                  308     937  32.9% -lh5- f0fe Feb 24  1995 INetShell/config/telnet14
[generic]                  619    2020  30.6% -lh5- 2ad4 Feb 24  1995 INetShell/config/telnet15
[generic]                  142     197  72.1% -lh5- 21fb Feb 24  1995 INetShell/config/telnet2
[generic]                  152     200  76.0% -lh5- 8e90 Feb 24  1995 INetShell/config/telnet3
[generic]                  277     463  59.8% -lh5- 2a1d Feb 24  1995 INetShell/config/telnet4
[generic]                  138     160  86.2% -lh5- 95a0 Feb 24  1995 INetShell/config/telnet5
[generic]                   71      71 100.0% -lh0- b770 Feb 24  1995 INetShell/config/telnet6
[generic]                  127     242  52.5% -lh5- 076a Feb 24  1995 INetShell/config/telnet7
[generic]                  132     308  42.9% -lh5- 5b40 Feb 24  1995 INetShell/config/telnet8
[generic]                  234     325  72.0% -lh5- d207 Feb 24  1995 INetShell/config/telnet9
[generic]                  227     341  66.6% -lh5- fee1 Feb 24  1995 INetShell/config/TelnetMenu
[generic]                50419  101784  49.5% -lh5- f4ae Aug  5  1997 INetShell/INet.3xx
[generic]                50792  102332  49.6% -lh5- 58b1 Aug  5  1997 INetShell/INet.4xx
[generic]                22825   43004  53.1% -lh5- c539 Aug  5  1997 INetShell/INetConfig.3xx
[generic]                22958   43228  53.1% -lh5- 1057 Aug  5  1997 INetShell/INetConfig.4xx
[generic]                16007   27736  57.7% -lh5- adff Aug  5  1997 INetShell/INetMaint.3xx
[generic]                16285   28216  57.7% -lh5- 610a Aug  5  1997 INetShell/INetMaint.4xx
[generic]                  562    1757  32.0% -lh5- db93 Mar 27  1997 INetShell/INetReg.txt
[generic]                16433   56576  29.0% -lh5- 6d02 Aug  5  1997 INetShell/INetShell.doc
[generic]                17923   61661  29.1% -lh5- 10bc Aug  5  1997 INetShell/INetShell.Guide
[generic]                 1051    4692  22.4% -lh5- 2a7e Dec 18  1996 INetShell/
[generic]                    2       2 100.0% -lh0- 0794 Jan  1  1995 INetShell/new/.finger
[generic]                    2       2 100.0% -lh0- 0794 Jan  1  1995 INetShell/new/.ftp
[generic]                    2       2 100.0% -lh0- 0794 Jan  1  1995 INetShell/new/.irc
[generic]                   27      27 100.0% -lh0- 08aa Jan  1  1995 INetShell/new/.plan
[generic]                    2       2 100.0% -lh0- 0794 Jan  1  1995 INetShell/new/.telnet
[generic]                    0       0 ****** -lh0- 0000 Mar 30  1997 INetShell/SysData/DCRoads/
[generic]                  194    1642  11.8% -lh5- dcb2 Feb  3  1997 INetShell/text/confi_basi0
[generic]                  167    1736   9.6% -lh5- 825d Feb 14  1997 INetShell/text/confi_basi1
[generic]                  163    1796   9.1% -lh5- f56d Feb  8  1997 INetShell/text/confi_basi2
[generic]                  158    1848   8.5% -lh5- f0f6 Feb  9  1997 INetShell/text/confi_basi3
[generic]                  153    1794   8.5% -lh5- 34a4 Feb  9  1997 INetShell/text/confi_basi4
[generic]                  235     850  27.6% -lh5- bbbe Apr 20  1997 INetShell/text/confi_basi5
[generic]                  149    1584   9.4% -lh5- 5fa5 Mar 25  1997 INetShell/text/confi_clnt0
[generic]                  270    1666  16.2% -lh5- b167 Mar 25  1997 INetShell/text/confi_clnt1
[generic]                   73     511  14.3% -lh5- a406 Mar 19  1997 INetShell/text/confi_clnt2
[generic]                  153    1775   8.6% -lh5- 253c Feb  2  1997 INetShell/text/confi_main0
[generic]                  170    1828   9.3% -lh5- ce6e Feb  2  1997 INetShell/text/shell_addr0
[generic]                  202    1339  15.1% -lh5- 2c11 Feb  2  1997 INetShell/text/shell_addr1
[generic]                   94     736  12.8% -lh5- 9620 Feb  2  1997 INetShell/text/shell_addr2
[generic]                  278    1989  14.0% -lh5- ccc0 Feb  2  1997 INetShell/text/shell_arch0
[generic]                  105     208  50.5% -lh5- 5819 Feb  2  1997 INetShell/text/shell_arch1
[generic]                  108     208  51.9% -lh5- e236 Feb  2  1997 INetShell/text/shell_arch2
[generic]                   90     491  18.3% -lh5- 7604 Feb  2  1997 INetShell/text/shell_arch3
[generic]                  263     748  35.2% -lh5- a27a Feb  2  1997 INetShell/text/shell_arch4
[generic]                  237    1285  18.4% -lh5- 59db Feb  2  1997 INetShell/text/shell_dirm0
[generic]                  150     406  36.9% -lh5- 1046 Feb  2  1997 INetShell/text/shell_dirm1
[generic]                  110     212  51.9% -lh5- 8384 Feb  2  1997 INetShell/text/shell_dirm2
[generic]                   89     164  54.3% -lh5- 111e Feb  2  1997 INetShell/text/shell_dirm3
[generic]                  102     381  26.8% -lh5- d074 Feb  2  1997 INetShell/text/shell_dirm4
[generic]                  965    4272  22.6% -lh5- 719f Feb 21  1997 INetShell/text/shell_hArch
[generic]                 2484    9968  24.9% -lh5- 9fdf Feb 18  1997 INetShell/text/shell_hConf
[generic]                 1864   10947  17.0% -lh5- 7be5 Feb 21  1997 INetShell/text/shell_hDire
[generic]                  160    1539  10.4% -lh5- f1c4 Feb 14  1997 INetShell/text/shell_help0
[generic]                  857    4628  18.5% -lh5- 3e32 Feb 21  1997 INetShell/text/shell_hFing
[generic]                14799   79833  18.5% -lh5- fa66 Feb 18  1997 INetShell/text/shell_hFiTP
[generic]                  611    2225  27.5% -lh5- 2f64 Feb 21  1997 INetShell/text/shell_hGoph
[generic]                  253    1869  13.5% -lh5- 026c Feb 21  1997 INetShell/text/shell_hHelp
[generic]                 7409   50819  14.6% -lh5- e072 Feb 18  1997 INetShell/text/shell_hInRC
[generic]                  350    1869  18.7% -lh5- 35f8 Feb 21  1997 INetShell/text/shell_hLYNX
[generic]                  610    2759  22.1% -lh5- 373e Feb 18  1997 INetShell/text/shell_hMain
[generic]                 1795   12994  13.8% -lh5- 0865 Feb 21  1997 INetShell/text/shell_hNote
[generic]                  467    1869  25.0% -lh5- d152 Feb 18  1997 INetShell/text/shell_hPing
[generic]                  338    1869  18.1% -lh5- c374 Feb 21  1997 INetShell/text/shell_hRedr
[generic]                  582    3026  19.2% -lh5- 4de0 Feb 21  1997 INetShell/text/shell_hShel
[generic]                  565    2047  27.6% -lh5- 9f15 Feb 21  1997 INetShell/text/shell_hTalk
[generic]                 5026   30260  16.6% -lh5- e232 Feb 21  1997 INetShell/text/shell_hTeln
[generic]                  172    1570  11.0% -lh5- 588d Feb  2  1997 INetShell/text/shell_main0
[generic]                  201     744  27.0% -lh5- 4249 Feb  2  1997 INetShell/text/shell_main1
[generic]                  186     744  25.0% -lh5- dfb0 Feb  2  1997 INetShell/text/shell_main2
[generic]                  155     646  24.0% -lh5- baa2 Feb  2  1997 INetShell/text/shell_main3
[generic]                  215     813  26.4% -lh5- 2fe4 Feb  2  1997 INetShell/text/shell_main4
[generic]                  120     517  23.2% -lh5- 3bf5 Feb  2  1997 INetShell/text/shell_misc0
[generic]                  214    1756  12.2% -lh5- 4b9a Feb  2  1997 INetShell/text/shell_pref0
[generic]                  158    1682   9.4% -lh5- 365a Feb  2  1997 INetShell/text/shell_pref1
[generic]                   72     349  20.6% -lh5- 8bc4 Feb  2  1997 INetShell/text/shell_pref2
[generic]                   71     326  21.8% -lh5- 7fea Feb  2  1997 INetShell/text/shell_pref3
[generic]                  316     626  50.5% -lh5- 8074 Feb 21  1997 INetShell/text/shell_shel0
[generic]                  219    1331  16.5% -lh5- 9cfa Feb  2  1997 INetShell/text/shell_site0
[generic]                  105     559  18.8% -lh5- 3bc5 Feb  2  1997 INetShell/text/shell_site1
[generic]                  104     559  18.6% -lh5- 6fb9 Feb  2  1997 INetShell/text/shell_site2
[generic]                  186     776  24.0% -lh5- 5132 Feb  2  1997 INetShell/text/shell_site3
[generic]                  175     916  19.1% -lh5- b94b Feb  2  1997 INetShell/text/shell_site4
[generic]                  118     692  17.1% -lh5- 3f8b Feb  2  1997 INetShell/text/shell_site5
[generic]                  218    1391  15.7% -lh5- af70 Feb  2  1997 INetShell/text/shell_site6
[generic]                  610    2101  29.0% -lh5- e580 Feb  2  1997 INetShell/text/shell_star0
[generic]                  115     189  60.8% -lh5- b78f Feb  2  1997 INetShell/text/shell_star1
[generic]                  734    2188  33.5% -lh5- 3fba Feb 14  1997 INetShell/text/shell_star2
[generic]                  199    1257  15.8% -lh5- c201 Feb 14  1997 INetShell/text/shell_star3
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total       112 files  276384  775972  35.6%            Aug 10  1997
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