This is by far the shortest door I've ever done, but, like all programs
it fills a need. Once a user is on the doors menu, how do you let them
know about things? Well, you could put texts up in the InfoDesk - but if
you are like me, you have this on a MAIN menu. (It's also a little
TOO big, I now have over 1.7 Meg (190 files) in this directory). Besides,
the texts I want to print out often already exist in various places,
why should you have to have other copies of them?
So I use this very small door for just outputting a few texts from the
Doors Menu, containing info mainly about the doors themselves. It's very
simple, and can actually contain as many texts as you want, BUT since
there's no page pausing or anything during the menu printup, I wouldn't
advise putting more than about 18 or so docs off this door, so the menu
fits on your users' screens!
Mea Culpa, Peter Deane