Transamiga Description Changer/Viewer V1.00
written 1994 by Mathias Supp
Sysop of the Amiga Inside I : ++49(0)721-854112
Release : 27.04.1994
written with Kickpascal V2.12 by MAXON Computer
Copyright :
This program can be copied freely for privat use ONLY.
It's absolutely prohibited to get money in any form for this utility.
Exceptions need my expressly permission.
Contents of Archive :
- ChangeDesc : the program
- ChangeDesc.DOK : german manual
- ChangeDesc.DOC : english manual
What does it do ?
- shows file description by giving the filename
- extracts downloadcounter at the beginning of a description and doesn't
change it if the description was changed
- optionally changes the description of a file in the Files.BBS with and
without checking the downloadcounters
Parameter :
FILENAME : path+name of the file
NEWDESC : new description (optional)
DCADD : standard downloadcounter which should be used if there isn't
one yet (Default : [00] )
History :
27.04.94 V1.00 : first release
have fun
P.S.: Sorry for my bad school-english, but I hope you understood what I
P.S.2.: If you're writing outside germany, E-Mail me to, please. Thanks.