Short:        PlayItPro v1.03 - A 8SVX HD-player with GUI
Author: (Jan Erik Olausen)
Uploader:     jolausen online no (Jan Erik Olausen)
Type:         mus/play
Version:      1.03
Replaces:     mus/play/PIP.lha
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

PIP was designed in 1992 to play samples direct from HD in
icehockey-arenas, radio-stations etc.

                        Some PIP features:

-Instant play with F1-F10/N1-N4 keys
-RETURN to play next sample or SPACE to play the same sample again
-Ultra fast loading/analyzing of all samples in one preset
-Plays directly from HD
-Plays IFF 8SVX-samples mono and stereo
-15 presets that can hold 14 samples each
-Loop a sample up to 999 times or infinity.
-Change volume of each samples
-Change sample information (Name, author, Copyright and Annotations)

Changes since last version

1.03 - Now you can change sample information
       (Name, author, Copyright and Annotations)

     - Press left or right arrow loads previous or next preset
     - If you delete all samples, PIP will stay in the same preset

     - Auto load preset 1 at startup

The author