Short:        EaglePlayer Jochen Hippel 7V ext. player
Author:       Wanted Team
Uploader:     Don Adan <DonAdan wp pl>
Type:         mus/play
Version:      4
Replaces:     mus/play/EP_JHippel7V.lha
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

This is a new version of a different external "Jochen Hippel 7V" module player
for EaglePlayer 1.54/2.00+. It's a player for all known "Jochen Hippel 7V"

Version 1


- Analyzer
- SampleInfo with SampleSaver (EP 2.00+ only)
- SubSong
- Balance
- ModuleInfo with Position Counter
- Volume
- SongEnd
- Save
- Config (requires Kickstart V37+)
- extended mixing routine up to 28 kHz, original replay had a 23 kHz limit
- as a bonus, a COSO depacker for xfdmaster.library is included

Version 2

- loading configuration from "Configs/" directory is now fixed
- highly optimised mixing routine, now 21kHz works for EP1.54 on MC68000
- player now using over 8KB memory less

Version 3

- "over the top" optimalisation, now 22kHz works for EP1.54 on MC68000,
  finally OS friendly mixing routine is fastest than original Mad Max version

Version 4
- extended mixing routine up to 29kHz
- added special version for MC68020+ (using MC68020+ commands and fastmem


1. The "Jochen Hippel 7V" replay is the first Amiga seven voices soundformat.

2. This version of the "Jochen Hippel 7V" player is configurable via
   the EP player manager. You can set the mixing rate for the mixing
   channels (4th, 5th, 6th and 7th) to any integer value from 1 to 29 kHz
   via a slider gadget. The default mixing rate is 16 kHz and higher rates
   are only recommended for fast CPU's (MC68020+). The configuration will
   be saved to the "EnvArc:EaglePlayer/" and/or "Configs/" directories. If
   none of these directories exist then the configuration can not be saved.

3. If you have "Jochen Hippel 7V" modules in COSO format, you can depack
   them with the attached COSO depacker before playing.

4. ModuleInfo works/looks better for EaglePlayer 1.54.

5. You can get the latest versions of Wanted Team products from:

Special greetings go to:

- Codetapper for help with Config routine
- MCoder <> for big help with COSO depacker
- Ronald van Dijk for big help with the COSO depacker
- Phil "meynaf" G. for help
- Jan Krolzig for betatesting