Short: What A Mood by volley (atmos/rawtec) Author: (Pelle Claesson) Uploader: volley lls se (Pelle Claesson) Type: mods/techn Architecture: generic --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heya again. Fifth module release. This is probably one of the weirdest mods I've ever created. It started out as an experiment with vocalators, and ended up like... this. :) I will let the reason for this mood the title refers to remain a secret, but, it has something to do with my totally wonderful gf, Sandrine! I MISS YOU!!! The samples used were, as usual, either downloaded, sent by friends or ripped from other modules (most notably, the ambient samples are from 'ebb'). The weird pulsar samples were algorithimcally created using a set of simple vocalators. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Releases: SunRise (vol_SunRise.lha) Vicissitudes (vol_Viciss.lha) MoonBeam (vol_MoonBeam.lha) StarSleep (vol_StarSleep.lha) WhatAMood (vol_Mood.lha) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /\/\ /\\/\//\ \//¯¯\\/ | | \__/ Pelle "volley" Claesson of TheEnd Amiga 16/5-97