84782 packages online


Showing: ppc-warpup icongeneric icon
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name: ^ version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
TheLostTemple.lha mods/slow 227 94K 1996-10-05 generic icon Slow mod by Accord+Deelite **** - (readme)
TheSmophoria.lha mods/slow 258 67K 1993-03-02 generic icon Dreamy by Brimble, Allister 7:25 ***** - (readme)
TheSweatShop.lha mods/slow 268 109K 1994-10-23 generic icon Synthpop by Mantronix+Tip 8:00 ***+ - (readme)
TheWlove.lha mods/slow 247 103K 1996-10-18 generic icon Slow Mod by DJThunder - (readme)
ThroughtheTime.lha mods/slow 221 134K 1994-10-23 generic icon Pop by Swantii 5:05 **** - (readme)
TillFriday.lha mods/slow 227 91K 1994-10-23 generic icon Dreamy mod 2:50 **** - (readme)
TimePress.lha mods/slow 229 99K 1994-05-30 generic icon PT mod by Uncle Ben/GigaTron 3:50 **** - (readme)
ToTheHavens.lha mods/slow 228 281K 1994-10-27 generic icon A MUSIC module. Made with PT. ******+ - (readme)
Transversal.lha mods/slow 228 103K 1996-06-22 generic icon Slow module by Estrayk / Capsule. - (readme)
Trawka.lha mods/slow 312 438K 1997-12-06 generic icon Trance by Drawer (32chn DBpro module) - (readme)
TrueRomance.lha mods/slow 237 138K 1996-03-08 generic icon True Romance by CHRISTIAN HERTEL - (readme)
TwilightPeaks.lha mods/slow 229 230K 1996-03-02 generic icon Slow mod by Catchman ****+ - (readme)
Unferdig.lha mods/slow 244 181K 1994-08-07 generic icon Melodic mod ****+ - (readme)
UnknownDestina.lha mods/slow 217 71K 1996-10-05 generic icon Slow mod by Dice **+ - (readme)
Unknown_Faces.lha mods/slow 231 308K 1996-06-01 generic icon \"Unknown Faces\" Module by Estrayk/Capsule - (readme)
unspeakable.lha mods/slow 265 69K 1995-03-30 generic icon The unspeakable slow song taken from X-TRADE\'s Tasteless Store - (readme)
Vanja.lha mods/slow 251 127K 1996-10-05 generic icon Slow mod by Brainbug ***** - (readme)
Vaselino.lha mods/slow 248 133K 1996-10-05 generic icon Slow mod by 911 ***** - (readme)
vija.lzh mods/slow 237 90K 1993-05-04 generic icon Yet another module - (readme)
WaitingForDawn.lha mods/slow 236 130K 1995-05-16 generic icon PT-mod by Uncle Ben/GigaTron - (readme)
Warriors_on.lha mods/slow 355 462K 1996-09-11 generic icon Fantastic slow module by Estrayk / Capsule. - (readme)
WereTheDevils.lha mods/slow 347 51K 1994-10-24 generic icon Dreamy mod 6:30 ***** - (readme)
WhiteOranges.lha mods/slow 240 95K 1996-10-05 generic icon Slow mod by Blue_Silence ****+ - (readme)
Why.lha mods/slow 266 73K 1996-06-22 generic icon Slow module by Estrayk / Capsule. - (readme)
Winds_arise.lha mods/slow 234 41K 1994-10-24 generic icon Flute by Strobo 3:25 ****+ - (readme)
wwest.lha mods/slow 279 145K 1993-03-08 generic icon Module by Ginseng (Robert Wells/Alchemy Software Devlopment) - (readme)
wybierak.lha mods/slow 248 18K 1996-03-08 generic icon By Scorpik/Absolute! Slow atmospheric tune... - (readme)
ziggyass.lha mods/slow 261 57K 1995-03-21 generic icon An atmospheric module by Omen - (readme)
Found 378 matching packages
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