Short:        Great Pop_Rock Module !!!
Author: (Antonio Orefice)
Uploader:     lorefice unina it (Antonio Orefice)
Type:         mods/pop
Requires:     Amiga OS2.0, Octamed Player 7.0 (included )
Architecture: generic


Here it is one of my favourite modules.

If you like bands like U2,OASIS,QUEEN Then Download it NOW !!

You Should like it, I hope, I think, I Know.

Note: For a good listening you need at least an A1200/030/25 Mhz
      And a multisinc monitor.

      The suggested frequency mixing must be >= 25000

      The Samples are in 8-bit Format, but try the 14-bit player...

      ... PLAY IT LOUD & ENJOY IT !!!!!!

						Bye, Antonio