Short:        Experimental hardcore in 5/4, 4/4 and 3/4 time :)
Author: (Toby Zuijdveld)
Uploader:     hotcakes abacus net au (Hotcakes)
Type:         music/hardc
Architecture: generic

Well it's been sitting on my harddrive for yonks, wondering if it should get
uploaded or not.  It's a bit weird, this one.

It has 3 personalities :)

Number four doesn't come out for long.  But three dominates over both four and
five.  Does anyone know what I'm talking about?  No, neither do I...

Tek speks:
Format	-	MMD1 (OctaMED 3+)
Length	-	7:03 minutes
Size    -	504806 bytes

Greets to all in RST, iA and on DALNet...

Want to contact me for any reason?  No, didn't think so.  :)

Altho I know you big shots out there are just dying to give me a huge
recording contract, but too afraid to ask in case I say no :)

You can send EMail to me at the uploader address up there ^^^

...  Or catch me on DALNet in #AmIRC.

CATchas Round.