Short:        Mellow mod, 3rd place at Kindergarden '97
Author:       Shere Khan (
Uploader:     Morten Skarstad (Morten Skarstad stud slhk no)
Type:         mods/atmos
Architecture: generic

This module is my contribution to the music compo at Kindergarden '97 to be
held in july this year. All samples were made using GoldWave 3.21 or
CoolEdit '96 on my PC, and the main drumloop and the chords were created
using Impulse Tracker 2.13's ITWAV.DRV-driver. The rest of the work is done
using OctaMED 5.04 on my trusty, six years old Amiga 500.

Sample credits:
- Flute samples from Mari Boine: "Eco"
- Speech samples from the motion picture "The Hunt for Red October"
- Intro drumbeat from Tre Sm† Kinesere: "S† Lenge Det Er Varmt"
- Bass sample from Jamie Dee: "Get Ready"
- Chords based on string sample from Styless Tribe: "Angel Headed Hipster"
- Main drumloop based on samples from:
  Prodigy: "Break And Enter" (Drumkick)
  James Brown: "It's Too Funky In Here (Live at Chaiston Park)" (Snare drum)
  Portishead: "Sour Times" (Drum samples)
  Gradiva: "To The Funky Beat" (Cymbal and hihats)
  Jan Garbarek: "The Healing Smoke" (Percussions)
  DJ Applepie: "Well Life Is 707 Mania Sometimes" (Percussion)

Walk on the KhanSide:

Thanks to Jeffrey Lim for his support, and to Cool TJ/Sapphire for being
there (You know what I mean!)