Short:        6-channel MMD3 OctaMED Music Module
Author: (Helge Kvalheim
Uploader:     hkva2 online no (Helge Kvalheim)
Type:         mods/8voic
Architecture: generic
Distribution: Aminet

Last Ninja 3 The Intro Theme (HKvalhe's Amiga Edition) @ 2018 By HKvalhe
The Intro Theme is a 6-channel Amiga Intro Theme for Last Ninja 3, very faithful
to the C64 original, but with thunder and wind effects in the background.

While the C64 version of the Intro Theme is a classic, I think I have managed to
make this new Amiga version as faithful as possible to the original version.

Thank you for your support and listening :)

Amiga version by Helge Kvalheim - Norway