Short:        Fish disk 0878
Uploader:     Fish Disks <aminet aminet net>
Type:         misc/fish
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

This is disk 878 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.

bBaseIII	An easy to use, versatile, yet full featured database program
		that will run on any Amiga.  Search or sort on any field, print
		mailing labels, (un)delete records, mail merge, get reports in
		many formats, scramble files, flag records, and more.  Fields
		are user-configurable, so bBase can be used to keep track of
		addresses, tape or video collections, recipe files, or anything
		else you can think of - one program does it all!  bBaseIII is
		a greatly enhanced successor to bBaseII.  Version 1.3, an
		update to version 1.1 on disk number 760.  Shareware, binary
		Author:  Robert Bromley

DockBrushes	Fifty plus 16-color dock brushes for use with ToolManager,
		AmiDock, or just as Icons.
		Author:  David Voy

DrChip		Four utilities to make your C programming life a little easier.
		Included are:  ccb -- A C-source code indentation beautifier;
		flist -- generates lists of functions from either C or C++
		files; hdrtag -- ViM, Z, and emacs support tags; toproto --
		converts source code to and from old K&R style to the new
		prototype-using style.  Binary only, freeware.
		Author:  Dr. Charles E. Campbell, Jr.

Scypmon		Machine-language monitor with many features.  Provides you with
		all functions like assembler, disassemble, search, transfer,
		fill, trackloadings etc.  Version 1.7, fixes 2 nasty bugs of
		version 1.6 and should now run without errors.  Binary only.
		Author:  Joerg Bublath