Short: Fish disk 0813 Uploader: Fish Disks <aminet aminet net> Type: misc/fish Architecture: m68k-amigaos This is disk 813 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. AmigaBase A hierachical, programmable, in-core database that runs under OS 1.3 and OS 2.0. Has a full intuition interface. Features include two display methods, filter datasets, search datasets, print datasets, and much more. Nearly everything can be real- ized by programming AmigaBase. Datatypes can be Integer, Real, Boolean, String, Memo (Text), Date and Time. Number of data- sets is only limited by available memory. Also included in the package are some example projects. Version 1.21, an up- date to version 1.20 on disk 792. Shareware, binary only. Author: Steffen Gutmann GIFdatatype This program is a datatype that understands the GIF file for- mat. Once installed, it allows any datatype-aware programs (such as MultiView) to read GIF files as if they were IFF. You can also use them as screen backdrops. Datatypes only exist at WB3.0 and greater. Version 39.2, binary only. Author: Steve Goddard MinedOut A remake of the BASIC program of the same name for the Sin- clair Spektrum, by Ian Andrews. Mined Out is a strategy game, like Mine on disk 725 or AMines on disk 707. The object of the game is to find a way from the bottom of the minefield to the top, to escape a computer enemy. Version 1.0, share- ware, binary only. Author: Dieter Seidel