Short: Fish disk 0811 Uploader: Fish Disks <aminet aminet net> Type: misc/fish Architecture: m68k-amigaos This is disk 811 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. bsh A powerful advanced shell and interpretive programming language. Runs on AmigaDOS 1.2 - AmigaDOS 2.1. Major features include command history, command line editing, command substitution, redirection and piping, redirection of standard error file, concurrent piping for external commands, here documents, aliases, file name completion using wildcards ('*', '?'), pattern permutations, variables, array variables, local and environment variables, variable exporting, C-like expression evaluation, conditionals, looping, more than 50 builtin commands, more than 40 builtin functions, script programming, workbench startup via newbsh, directory aliases, shell window manipulation and command search by CLI path, by bsh path variable, command hashing and resident command loading. Version 0.98, shareware, binary only. Author: Gary Brant MagicNoises A MED module package including: Happy Hour, Magic Voices, Take it slow, Terminator II. Author: Lars Rößiger WhiteLion A new Othello (Reversi) playing program. Strong and fast, it explains the rules and plays different strategies depending on the selected level. Supports interLaced resolutions. Version 1.2_FD, english and german executables. ShareWare, C sources and special version available when registering. Author: Martin Grote