Short: Fish disk 0733 Uploader: Fish Disks <aminet aminet net> Type: misc/fish Architecture: m68k-amigaos This is disk 733 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. AntiCicloVir A link virus detector that detects 25 different such viruses. Version 1.6, an update to verion 1.5 on disk 710. Share- ware, binary only. Author: Matthias Gutt Cube An animated Rubik's Cube simulator, solver, and tutorial. It uses two solving algorithms, one which can be applied by a human using simple rules, and another that is too complicated to be used except by a computer. Shareware, includes source. Author: Martin Gitelson Sushi A tool to intercept the raw serial output of Enforcer 2.8b, Enforcer.megastack 26.f, Mungwall, and all other tool and ap- plication debugging output that uses kprintf. This makes it possible to use serial debugging on a single Amiga, without interfering with attached serial hardware such as modems and serial printers. Sushi also provides optional signalling and buffer access to an external display/watcher program. Version 37.7, binary only. Author: Carolyn Scheppner Termcap A port of the GNU termcap library for the amiga. Termcap is a library of C functions and a database of terminal descrip- tions, that allows an application to send control strings to terminals in a way independent of the specific terminal type. Author: Various