Short: Fish disk 0731 Uploader: Fish Disks <aminet aminet net> Type: misc/fish Architecture: m68k-amigaos This is disk 731 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. FindIt A fully Intuitionised file finder. Features include search multiple drives/directories, search for file names starting with/not starting with given text, file names containing/not containing given text, file names ending with/not ending with given text, files created on/after/before/not-on given date, files containing given text, etc. Found files can be copied, deleted, viewed, or printed. Requires Workbench 2.0. This is version 1.0, binary only. Author: Gary Smith GadToolsBox A program that lets you draw/edit GadTools gadgets and menus and then generates the corresponding C or assembly code for you. This is version 1.4, an update to version 1.3 on disk 659. Includes source. Author: Jan van den Baard QMouse An unusually small and feature-packed "mouse utility". Was inspired by, but not derived from, the original QMouse by Lyman Epp. Features include automatic window activation (like WindX), top-line blanking for A3000/A2320 users, system- friendly mouse blanking, mouse acceleration/threshold, "Pop- CLI", click-to-front/back, "SunMouse", "NoClick", "WildStar", Northgate key remapping, and more. Requires Kickstart 2.0, but is not a commodity. Only 3K. Version 2.20, an update to version 2.10 on disk 697. Public domain, assembly source included. Author: Dan Babcock