Short:        Fish disk 0724
Uploader:     Fish Disks <aminet aminet net>
Type:         misc/fish
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

This is disk 724 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.

BackUP		A hard drive backup program that features a custom Intuition
		interface, multi-floppy drive support, incremental/full back-
		ups, on-the-fly compression using lh.library, optional verify
		and a restorable configuration.  BackUP requires Workbench
		2.0, arp.library V39 and lh.library V1.  Version 3.5, binary
		Author:  Felix R. Jeske

DonsGenies	A collection of more than forty ARexx "genies" for use with
		Professional Page, plus some supporting material.  Also in-
		cludes two example ARexx scripts for Art Department Profes-
		sional.  Version 1.0, shareware, includes source.
		Author:  Don Cox

XSearch		A program to search files and directories on any Amiga device.
		Uses AmigaDOS 2.0 style interface.  Includes both German and
		English versions.  Includes source in KICKPascal.
		Author:  Stefan Plöchinger