Short:        Fish disk 0719
Uploader:     Fish Disks <aminet aminet net>
Type:         misc/fish
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

This is disk 719 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.

CrcLists	Complete CRC check files for disks 521-710 using the brik
		program.  These were made directly from my master disks.
		Along with the CRC lists from previous disks, these lists
		will allow you to check all of the disks in the library to
		make sure they are correct and complete.
		Author:  Fred Fish

DefTool		Programs that allow you to easily change the default tool of
		one or more project icons, from either the CLI or from Work-
		Bench.  The WorkBench version is a commodity.  Binary only.
		Author:  Robert Lang

DrawMap		A program for drawing representations of the Earth's surface.
		New features include seven new types of map projections, user
		specifiable point to be at the center of the maps, and box
		views that can now cross the international date line.  Also
		includes accelerated version requiring a 68020 CPU and 68881
		FPU, and versions for PAL systems.  Requires 1.5 Mb of memory
		and a hard disk with 1.6 Mb of free space.  Distributed in
		two parts, the other part is on disk 720.  Both parts are re-
		quired.  This is version 4.1, an update to version 4.0 on
		disks 639 and 640.  Includes full source.
		Author:  Bryan Brown.

FixIcon		Fixes some icons that show bad markings when run on greater
		than 4 color Workbenches.  Doesn't fix them all, but fixes a
		common problem.  Includes source in C.
		Author:  Robert Lang

MakeIcon	Allows you to create any of the Workbench 2.0 default icons
		for anything, disks, projects, drawers, the works.  Designed
		for people who work from the shell making disks that will
		ultimately run from the Workbench.  Requires Workbench 2.0.
		Binary only.
		Author:  Robert Lang