Short:        Fish disk 0713
Uploader:     Fish Disks <aminet aminet net>
Type:         misc/fish
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

This is disk 713 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.

Free		Display how much free space (bytes or blocks) you have on any
		or all of your mounted disk volumes.  Runs from CLI only.
		This is version 1.06, an update to version 1.01 on disk 388.
		Free now searches your device list if desired (under AmigaOS
		2.0+ only), and several minor bugs have been fixed.  Includes
		Author:  Daniel J. Barrett

ICalc		A powerful calculator with many features, including user-
		defined variables and functions, C-style programming con-
		structs, complex number calculations and more.  Has com-
		prehensive instructions, and numerous examples.  This is
		version 2.1a, an update to version 2.0 on disk 695.  En-
		hancements include flexible number-base control and scripts
		to perform numerical integration.  Binary only, source
		available from author.
		Author:  Martin W. Scott

JoinSounds	A utility to join 8SVX sound files.  Graphical interface
		allows samples to be previewed, and start/stop points to be
		set.  This program will join both stereo and mono sound
		files in any combination.  Uses buffered disk I/O, allowing
		samples larger than available memory to be joined.  This is
		version 2, binary only.
		Author:  Joe Tatman and Brian Roy

LongPlay	An 8SVX IFF sound file player.  Reads samples directly from
		disk while playing, allowing unlimited length samples.  Runs
		as a background task and multi-tasks well.  Can also be used
		as the default tool of a project icon.  Binary only.
		Author:  Joe Tatman

MathsAdv	A simple game where you, the young adventurer, must try to
		escape the king's Maths Adventure.  To do this you must pass
		through a series of rooms.  In each room you are given a
		math problem to solve, after which you can proceed to the
		next room if you answer correctly.  The problems become more
		involved and more difficult in each room.  This is an update
		to the version on disk 602.  Includes source.
		Author:  Jason Lowe

ReflexTest	A game which tests your addition, subtraction, or multipli-
		cation skills.  The goal is to answer forty math questions
		in the shortest possibly time.  Binary only.
		Author:  Jason Lowe