Short:        Fish disk 0377
Uploader:     Fish Disks <aminet aminet net>
Type:         misc/fish
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

This is disk 377 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.

AnsiRead2	Bridges the gap between IBM and Amiga ANSI by displaying
		IBM ANSI text and graphic animations (as usually captured
		from bulletin boards) in their full intended colors and 
		motion.  Includes several samples.  Version 0.2, binary 
		only, shareware. 
		Author:  Glenn Kauffman

Formatter	A disk formatting program with an intuition interface
		which supports write verification, disk installation,
		fast formatting and automatic start.  Formats a 3.5"
		disk in a multitasking environment in about 1:36
		minutes (with verify turned on).  Version 2.4a, includes 
		Author:  Olaf Barthel

Icon2C		A simple tool to turn any Workbench icon file into 'C'
		sourcecode, similar to the program of the same name by
		Carolyn Scheppner on disk number 56.  This version has an
		arp interface and offers support for Kickstart 2.0 icons.
		Version 1.2, includes source.
		Author:  Olaf Barthel

IE		An icon editor which can create and modify icons up to 
		640x200 pixels in size (also dual render).  It can
		set stack size, position of icon (also free-floating),
		default tool, 10 tool types and control over opened
		window.  It can also generate the C source code behind the
		icon for program inclusion.  Now reads/writes IFF files
		and handles 4 or 8 colour icons.  Version 2.0, update to 
		version on disk number 342, source available from author.
		Author:  Peter Kiem

IntuitionEd	Intuition based utility that creates C source code for
		screen, window, border and text structures.  IntuitionEd 
		can also write the code for several functions required 
		for the opening and closing of these structures.  The 
		code can then be compiled by either Manx and Lattice.
		Shareware donation to the author will receive an enhanced
		version capable of writing gadget structures as well.
		Version 1.0, binary only, several samples included.
		Author:  Niels Thorwirth 

PowerLOGO	An experimental programming language based on Lisp and
		LOGO.  It is versatile, highly interactive, organizes 
		programs as collections of procedures, and includes lists 
		as first-class data objects.  Version 1.00, binary only.
		Author:  Gary Teachout