Short:        Fish disk 0317
Uploader:     Fish Disks <aminet aminet net>
Type:         misc/fish
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

This is disk 317 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.

StillStore	A program designed for freelance, corporate, and broadcast
		television.  It loads and displays IFF images of any
		resolution interchangeably from a list file or as inputted
		directly (I.E. random access).  The user may easily skip
		forward or backward one or more pictures in the list.  A
		"generic" display is always just a few seconds away.  The
		program can be used "on air" with no concern that a pull
		down menu will suddenly appear in the viewable area.  It
		also provides for a precise cue for changing windows or
		screens.  While the main purpose is to load "news windows"
		of 1/4 screen size, StillStore can also handle full-sized
		and overscanned images.  Also includes slide show modes and
		a screen positioning feature.  Stillstore is written in the
		Director language from the Right Answers Group. Version 1.2,
		binary only, source available from authors.
		Author:  R. J. (Dick) Bourne and Richard Murray

Uniq		A text processor which compacts repeated adjacent lines.
		Intended to be used with a sorted file to print unique
		lines, or repeated lines.  Behaviour and options like UNIX
		version.  Version 1.1, includes source.
		Author:  John Woods, Amiga port by Gary Duncan