Short: Fish disk 0302 Uploader: Fish Disks <aminet aminet net> Type: misc/fish Architecture: m68k-amigaos This is disk 302 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. Chop A program which uses a hotkey to chop a displayed screen down to a temporary maximum of 4 planes in lo-res or 2 planes in hi-res, allowing the processor full speed access to chip memory. Only the displayed screen is affected, the program painting the screen continues to work with the full color palette. Unchoping the screen puts everything back to normal. Version 1.0, binary only. Author: Nico Francois DiskTalk A cute little program, like "muncho" on disk 137, which plays digitized sound samples when you insert or remove a floppy disk. Samples are saved as IFF sound files. Version 1.0, binary only. Author: Nico Francois MiscUtils Some small sound and screen hacks. Includes source in C. Author: Jorrit Tyberghein PPMore Another "more" like utility. This one reads text files that have been crunched with PowerPacker, thus saving space at the slight expense of some time to uncrunch the text. Version 1.3, binary only. Author: Nico Francois ProgUtils Some miscellaneous programming utilities and examples. Includes source in assembly code. Author: Jorrit Tyberghein QuickHelp A utility that helps you make and display your own help files for commands. Disk space usage is minimized by using PowerPacker to crunch the help files. Version 1.2, binary only. Author: Jorrit Tyberghein RollOn A "Soko-Ban" like shareware game, submitted by the author. Includes both English and German versions, a level editor, and digitized sounds. This is version 1.1, binary only. Author: Tobias Eckert Selector A program that helps you assemble programs on a boot disk and start them in a user friendly way. Version 2.5, binary only. Author: Nico Francois TurboMandel A fast mandelbrot program, written in a mix of C and assembly language. You can select between using floating point or integer calculation. Other features include a full intuition interface, cycling capabilities, extensive color control, a user definable iteration depth, fully implemented zoom, a 3-D display mode, support for extra halfbrite as well as interlace and hires, IFF load and save, accuracy selections, and more. Version 1.0, includes source in assembly and C. Author: Marivoet Philip