Short: Fish disk 0287 Uploader: Fish Disks <aminet aminet net> Type: misc/fish Architecture: m68k-amigaos This is disk 287 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. DAsm A multipass, symbolic, macro assembler for multiple target machines, including 6502, 68705, 6803, and 6811. Supports conditional assembly, addressing mode overrides, arbitrary number of named segments, pseudo-ops for repeat loops, data generation, etc. Version 2.12, includes source. Author: Matt Dillon FullView A text viewer that uses gadgets at the bottom of the screen (thus can display text 80 columns wide), opens up to the full height of the Workbench screen, has fast scrolling, and can work with compressed files (file compression program included). Shareware, binary only, source available from author. This is version 1.1, an update to the version on disk 242. Author: Jonathan Potter JPDirUtil A directory-utilities type program with many built-in commands, and 16 customisable gadgets. User configurable in many ways. Can be iconified to Workbench screen. This is version 1.11, binary only. Author: Jonathan Potter MouseCoords A small assembly utility which shows you the current position of the mouse pointer. Can be "jumped" to operate on any screen. Includes source in assembly. Author: Jonathan Potter OSK A software keyboard, which allows you to type using the mouse. Can be made to send keystrokes to any window, and can be iconified. Includes source. Author: Jonathan Potter PopDir A small utility which "pops open" to help you look at the contents of a particular directory on demand. Version 1.6, an update to version 1.4 on disk 204. Includes source. Author: Jonathan Potter Unshar This program extracts files from Unix shar archives. It scores over similar programs by being small and fast, handling extraction of subdirectories, and recognising a wide variety of `sed' and `cat' shar formats. Version 1.1, includes C source. Author: Eddy Carroll VirusX Version 4.0 of a popular virus detection/vaccination program. This is an update to version 3.20 from disk 216. Includes a check for the new Xeno virus. Author: Steve Tibbett, Dan James, Jim Meyer ZeroVirus A fully integrated virus checker and killer, with bootblock save and restore features. Finds both bootblock and file based viruses. Uses Brainfiles to recognise viruses, and has "on-line" Brainfile editing facilities. Can be iconified to Workbench screen. This is version 2.01, an update to version 1.3 on disk 242. Binary only. Author: Jonathan Potter