Short: Fish disk 0277 Uploader: Fish Disks <aminet aminet net> Type: misc/fish Architecture: m68k-amigaos This is disk 277 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. ARTM ARTM (Amiga Real Time Monitor) displays and controls system activity such as tasks, windows, libraries, devices, resources, ports, residents, interrupts, and vectors. Version 0.9, binary only. Author: Dietmar Jansen and F. J. Mertens Icon A high-level programming language with extensive facilities for processing strings and lists. Icon has several novel features, including expressions that may produce sequences of results, goal-directed evaluation that automatically searches for a successful result, and string scanning that allows operations on strings to be formulated at a high conceptual level. Icon resembles SNOBOL4 in its emphasis on high-level string processing and a design philosophy that allows ease of programming and short, concise programs. This is version 7.5 of the public domain implementation of Icon from the University of Arizona. It is an update to version 6.0 from disk 81. Binary only. Author: Ralph Griswold, Clinton Jeffery, et. al. LabelPrint A program that allows you to easily print labels for your disks. This is version 3.0, an update to version 2.5 from disk 238. Shareware, binary only (source available from author). Author: Andreas Krebs LPE LaTeX Picture Editor is a graphical editor for producing "pictures" for the LaTeX system, which may be imported by LaTeX. You can draw boxes, dashed boxes, lines, vectors, circles, boxes with centered text, and plain text. This is version 1.1, an update to version 1.0 on disk 243, and includes some new drawing tools, enhanced user interface features, optimized code, and some bug fixes. Binary only. Author: Joerg Geissler WBAssign A small WorkBench program that creates AmigaDOS assignments without having to open a CLI. Assignments may be made by specifying a complete path (as supported by the CLI command), or by specifying a path relative to the current directory. This allows a program and its assigns to be moved easily. In addition, WBAssign can create assigns specified in the icon files of other programs located anywhere in the system. This is version 1.20, binary only. Author: John Gerlach Jr. WBRes A program that allows WorkBench users to have resident programs, as in the resident capability of WShell, the ARP shell, and the WB1.3 Shell. Version 1.2b, shareware, binary only. Author: John Bickers