Short: Fish disk 0253 Uploader: Fish Disks <aminet aminet net> Type: misc/fish Architecture: m68k-amigaos This is disk 253 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. DumpDiff A small utility that prints the hexdumps of 2 files, with all differences between these two files highlighted. Version 1.0, includes source in Modula-II. Author: Fridtjof Siebert Elements Very nice interactive display of the the Periodic Table of Elements. Can display a large amount of pertinent data about a selected element along with a good deal of general and miscellaneous info. This is version 1.2a, an update to the version on disk 175. It loads faster, takes up less disk space, fixes a minor bug, and adds a couple of enhancements. Includes source in C. Author: Paul Thomas Miller KeyMac A keyboard macro processor that allows you to record keystrokes and then play them back. Version 0.1, includes source in Modula-II. Author: Fridtjof Siebert MegaWB A program that makes it possible to make your WorkBench screen as large as you like. Version 1.2, includes source in Modula-II. Author: Fridtjof Siebert MuchMore Another program like "more", "less", "pg", etc. This one uses its own screen to show the text using a slow scroll. Includes built-in help, commands to search for text, and commands to print the text. Works with PAL or NTSC, in normal or overscan modes. Supports 4 color text in bold, italic, underlined, or inverse fonts. Version 2.5, this is an update to version 1.8 from disk 234. Includes source in Modula-II and assembly code. Author: Fridtjof Siebert MultiSelect A small program that makes it possible to select several icons on the workbench without having to press the Shift key. This is version 1.0, includes source in Modula-II. Author: Fridtjof Siebert PowerPacker A shareware command and data cruncher, with a full intuition user interface. Executable files which are crunched are automatically decrunched upon execution, thus saving precious disk space on systems without hard disks. Version 2.3b, binary only. Author: Nico Francois WBShadow A small program that creates a shadow for everything that's displayed on your WorkBench (Windows, Icons, Gadgets, Menus, Texts, etc). This is version 1.0, includes source in Modula-II. Author: Fridtjof Siebert With A CLI command that allows you to start any other CLI command several times and give it all the files that match a file pattern as an argument, one at a time. This is version 1.0, includes source in Modula-II. Author: Fridtjof Siebert