Short:        Fish disk 0240
Uploader:     Fish Disks <aminet aminet net>
Type:         misc/fish
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

This is disk 240 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.

CrossDOS	A "tryware" version of a mountable MS-DOS file system
		for the Amiga.  This is a software product that allows
		you to read and write MS-DOS/PC-DOS and Atari ST
		formatted disks (Version 2.0 or higher) directly from
		AmigaDOS.  This tryware version is a "readonly" version,
		which does not allow any writes to the disk.  A fully
		functional version is available for a very reasonable
		price from CONSULTRON.  Version 3.02, binary only.
		Author:  CONSULTRON, Leonard Poma

Dis		An AmigaDOS shareable library which implements a symbolic
		single-instruction disassembler for the MC68000 family and
		a program which uses the library to disassemble/dump 
		AmigaDOS object files, making full use of symbolic and
		relocation information.  Includes source code in Draco.
		Author:  Chris Gray

DM-Maps		IFF maps to the Dungeon Master game.  All 14 levels are
		Author:  Unknown

MemLib		A link library of routines to aid in debugging memory
		problems.  Works with Lattice C 5.0 and possibly with
		earlier versions.  It's features include trashing all
		allocated memory, trashing all freed memory, keeping
		track of freed memory with notification if it is 
		written to, notification of memory freed twice or
		not at all, notification of overrunning or underrunning
		allocated memory, generation of low memory conditions
		for testing purposes, and identification of violations
		of memory use by filename and line number of the
		allocating routine.  Includes source.
		Author:  John Toebes and Doug Walker

RunBack		This is version 6, an update to the version on disk 152
		(the version on disk 214 appears to be on a different
		evolutionary path).  This version compiles under Lattice
		with many optimizations enabled, and can be made resident.
		Includes source.
		Author:  Rob Peck, Daniel Barrett, Greg Searle, Doug Keller

XprLib		External file transfer protocol library.  Document and
		code example for implementing external file transfer
		protocols using Amiga shared libraries.  This is an
		update to the version included with the vlt program on
		disk 226.
		Author:  Willy Langeveld