Short:        Fish disk 0218
Uploader:     Fish Disks <aminet aminet net>
Type:         misc/fish
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

This is disk 218 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.

EdLib		A library of additional functions for Manx.  This is
		version 1.1, an update to version 1.0 from disk	183.
		Includes source.
		Author:  Edwin Hoogerbeets with C-functions from several
			 different authors

Mandel		Another mandelbrot generator program, with bits and pieces
		of code from C. Heath and R.J. Mical.  This is version 1.3,
		an update to the version on disk 111.  New features and
		improvements include an ARexx interface, coordinates in
		sight, more state info saved with a picture, batch files,
		programmable functions, and more plotting options.
		Includes source.
		Author:  Olaf Seibert

Maze		A program that lets you build mazes and then solve them.
		Mazes can be trivial one level mazes to very difficult
		three level mazes.  Version 1.2, includes source.
		Author:  Todd Lewis

PcPatch		Patches for PCCopy and PCFormat from the EXTRAS disk,
		to allow reading, writing, and formatting of any kind of
		MS-Dos style disks, including 720K 3.5" diskettes.  Binary
		only. This is an update to the version on disk 163.
		Author:  Werner Guenther

Scanner		Scanner makes commented C code of all intuition structures
		in memory.  The structures will receive correct pointers
		towards each other.  Scanner starts looking at 
		IntuitionBase, and follows all pointers, storing them in
		memory.  When finished, it writes all the structures to
		the standard output.  Version 1.0, includes source.
		Author:  Stefan Parmark

Worm		An Amiga implementation of the classic "worms" program,
		based on an article in the Dec 1987 issue of Scientific
		American.  You can specify the size and length of the
		worms, and the number of worms.  Includes source.
		Author:  Brad Taylor, Amiga port by Chuck McManis