Short:        Fish disk 0210
Uploader:     Fish Disks <aminet aminet net>
Type:         misc/fish
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

This is disk 210 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.

Calc		A very nicely done scientific/programmer/plotter calculator.
		The scientific portion has most of the operations found on
		the more popular handhelds. The programmer portion has all
		the special hex/binary/decimal conversions as well as
		register operations like ASL, ROL, LSL, AND, OR, XOR, etc.
		The plotter portion will plot equations.  Other features
		include 26 memories, full mouse or keyboard operation,
		pull-down menus, and iconization.  Version 3.0, binary only.
		Author:  Jimmy Yang

LabelPrint	A program that allows you to easily print labels for
		your disks.  Version 1.9, shareware, binary only (source
		available from author).
		Author:  Andreas Krebs

NuHand		An animation of a hand with fingernails scrapeing on a
		desktop, including sound effects.  This is Bryan's entry
		for the 1988 Badge Killer Demo Contest.  Binary only.
		Author:  Bryan Carey Gallivan