Short:        Comfortable Windows<->AROS file transfer
Author:       Heinz-Raphael Reinke / Holger Kremss
Uploader:     heinz-raphael heinzreinke (Heinz-Raphael Reinke)
Type:         misc/emu
Version:      0.2
Requires:     Windows, WinAros (QEMU)
Architecture: i386-aros

StartWinAros is a program that helps you to transfer files from windows to Aros (WinAros / qemu)
in an fast and easy way.
All you have to do is to select two directories:

The directory that contains your files for Aros.

The directory that contains your WinAros installation.

After that you just click one Button.

StartWinAros, then creates an ISO file that contains your files for Aros
and immediately starts WinAros, with the new ISO file mounted as CDROM.

StartWinAros only works with the recent WinAros Version. Older Versions
will not start automatically, but you can of course use the resulting
ISO file.
The same goes for the Virtual PC Version of WinAros.

StartWinAros comes with a windows typical Install  / Uninstall Programm.

************** Version 0.2 Changlog ****************
Thanks to Holger Kremss, WinArosStart now saves its
configuration and allows to create ISO Level 2 Files