Short:        SS usa1 KMap to allow use of tilde.
Author: (T M Pederson)
Uploader:     freon solutions solon com (T M Pederson)
Type:         misc/emu
Requires:     misc/emu/ShapeShifter.lha
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

This is a keyboard map for Macintosh System 7+ running on ShapeShifter.
It allows use of the tilde(~) and backquote(`) characters on a standard
94-key usa1 keyboard.  It is installed by placing it in the "System"
suitcase in the "System Folder" and selecting "U.S. ShapeShifter" in
the "Keyboard" Control Panel.

Familiarity with unpacking BinHexed Stuffit files is assumed.