Short:        nofrendo WOS-NES emulator
Author:       Matt Conte
Uploader:     Anonymous anonymous aminet net
Type:         misc/emu
Version:      2.0pre1
Architecture: ppc-warpup

This is a quick port of the nofrendo NES emulator
( to WarpOS

Original authors:

Matt Conte <>
Just about everything

Neil Stevens <>
SDL, automake, current maintainer

Firebug <>
mapper support, testing

Benjamin C. W. Sittler <>
config code

The Mighty Mike Master <>
mapper 231 code

All the real/hard work was done by the following people:

Jarmo Laakkonen  - WarpOS version of GCC 2.95.3
Sigbjørn Skjæret - MorphOS version of GCC 2.95.3
Bradford W. Mott - Creating Stella
Gabriele Greco   - Amiga port of SDL
Glenn Hisdal     - GCC WarpOS SDL linker library

Amiga specific:

- Create a dir called s:nofrendo copy the config file to this dir.
  If you don't copy the config file nofrendo will resort to default
  values which means you won't be able to use a joypad.
- The default config is only setup for one joypad, if you want to use
  a second joypad you will need to change the config file. Also note
  that on AmigaOS and MorphOS the joystick ports are swapped so
  sdljoystick1 is for player 1 and sdljoystick0 for player 2.
- 8 bits sound output doesn't work, so it defaults to 16 bits,
  this is not a real problem as the emulator runs at a pretty decent
  speed even with 16 bits sound.
- Nofrendo *might* crash if you have set up ahi unit 0 as 8 bit!


10-08-2002: - small change in nes6502.c and nes6502.h to allow lhbrx
       call to work with GCC.


- Try to get it running under MorphOS

